"Junkyard" means any lot, or the use of any portion of a lot, for the dismantling of machinery, not including motor vehicles, or for the storage or keeping for sale of parts and equipment resulting from such dismantling or wrecking, or for the storage or keeping of junk, including scrap metals or other scrap materials, with no burning permitted. For motor vehicles, see Section 20.04.066.
(Prior code § 19.08.562)
“Landscaping” and “landscape materials” means the planting and maintenance of some combination of trees, shrubs, vines, groundcovers, flowers, or lawns and, in addition, the combination or design may include natural materials or features such as as bark, mulch, rock, stone, and structural features including fountains, reflecting pools, artwork, screens, walls, fences, and benches. The combination of plant and natural materials shall be consistent with the “Sufficient Plant Materials” Exhibit pursuant to Chapter 8.12, entitled “Nuisances,” Section 8.12.010(R)5. (Prior code § 19.08.570 (Ord. 2015-11-1481 § 4; Ord. 557 § 105(L) (part), 1964))
"Loading space" means an off-street space or berth on the same lot with a main building, or contiguous to a group of buildings, for the temporary parking of commercial vehicles while loading or unloading, and which abuts a street, alley, or other appropriate means of ingress and egress.
(Prior code § 19.08.575 (Ord. 557 § 105(L) (part), 1964))