20.39.010 Purpose and intent.
20.39.020 Adoption of SP-19, general industrial specific plan
20.39.030 Land use.
20.39.040 Development standards.
20.39.050 Building height.
20.39.060 Setbacks.
20.39.070 Yards.
20.39.075 Landscape materials and turf replacement.
20.39.080 Architectural projections.
20.39.090 Fences, walls and hedges.
20.39.100 Off-street parking.
20.39.110 Storage.
20.39.120 Signs.
20.39.130 Noise.
20.39.140 Utilities, public facilities and services.
20.39.150 Transportation related facilities.
20.39.160 Planning areas and additional uses.
A. The intent and purpose of this chapter is to establish a specific plan to guide the physical development of a particular geographic area within the city well suited for the development of job producing industrial uses, but constrained due to existing commercial zoning designations, small size lots, lack of infrastructure and ongoing oil field operations or leaseholds that prevent or discourage development. In an effort to accommodate the city's employment needs, the concepts, regulations and conditions set forth in the general industrial specific plan provide for the development of industrial uses compatible with surrounding land uses and the existing circulation system. This specific plan has been prepared in accordance with the requirements of the State Government Code (Sections 65450 through 65457) and addresses all of the issues and topics specified in those codes.
B. Location and Boundaries. The specific plan includes different planning areas. Maps of the planning areas are on file in the offices of the Community Development Department.
C. Goals and Objectives. The following are the goals and objectives for development within the general industrial specific plan:
1. Encourage the development of privately sponsored, jobs producing, industrial development;
2. Encourage the consolidation of existing substandard lots into parcels of suitable size for contemporary planned industrial development with adequate parking and good access to major arterial roads and the freeway system;
3. Apply design standards that result in quality development and achieve streetscapes with attractive buildings, enclosed industrial yards and well landscaped yards that provide an aesthetically pleasing buffer for passers-by and neighboring land uses;
4. Preserve the quality appearance of an industrial area by providing good quality landscaping initially and by the establishment of controls requiring good quality maintenance thereafter; and
5. Provide for the development of safe and secure industrial facilities with adequate infrastructure improvements to promote safe and efficient vehicular traffic flows of goods and materials, and assure security through lighting and alarm systems and site designs that discourage vandalism, theft and other criminal activities.
D. Distribution of Land Uses. The distribution of land uses, and extent of the uses of land, including landscaped setbacks or open spaces, within the area covered by the plan is shown in the diagram entitled "Illustrative Site Plan" on file in the offices of the community development department. The text specifying distribution, location and extent of the uses of land is contained herein.
E. Public and Private Infrastructure. The proposed distribution, location, and extent and intensity of major components of public and private transportation, sewage, water, drainage, solid waste disposal, energy and other essential facilities proposed to be located within the area covered by the plan and needed to support the land uses described in the plan are shown in the diagrams entitled "Technical Site Plan/Grading Plan/Street Improvement Plan" on file in the offices of the community development department. The text describing the distribution, location, and extent of public and private improvements is contained in the conditions of approval attached to the specific plan project and on file in the community development department.
F. Development Standards. Development standards and criteria by which development will proceed and standards for conservation, development, and utilization of natural resources, where applicable, shall be as described herein.
G. Program Implementation. Program implementation measures including regulations, public works projects, and financing measures necessary to carry out projects shall be included in development plans for each project. The city may implement public works projects to facilitate coordinated development of and among development projects, and conditions of approval of development projects may require construction of public improvements.
(Ord. 2009-02-1397 § 1, 2009; Ord. 2006-11-1368 § 1)
A. The provisions of this chapter shall apply only to property that is designated as SP-19, general industrial specific plan on the official zoning map on file in the offices of the community development department.
(Ord. 2006-11-1368 § 1)
A. Principal Uses. Principal uses are land uses as follows:
1. Area 1 – Concrete batch plant.
2. Area 2 - The following General Industrial uses or similar uses as may be approved by the Director of Community Development:
Miscellaneous | |
Bakery | |
Laundry, on-site plant | |
Lawn mower or small engine repair indoors with all equipment stored with an enclosed yard | |
Medical, dental and optical lab | |
Post office/ distribution center | |
Television or radio transmitting | |
Utility distribution/transmission substations | |
Temporary construction office trailer only during construction of building on the same lot | |
Services | |
Animal veterinarian/ hospital/grooming, no kennel | |
Auction house | |
Auto detailing/ carwash indoors with sump and industrial wastewater connection | |
Auto engine and transmission repair indoors and with all stored vehicles within an enclosed yard screened from public view | |
Auto/motorcycle repair and parts exchange in an enclosed building | |
Auto upholstery, recreational vehicle conversion indoors with all stored vehicles within an enclosed yard screened from public view | |
Boat repair indoors with all stored boats within an enclosed yard screened from public view | |
Bicycle repair | |
Services (Cont'd) | |
Photo studio, developing, processing | |
Radio, TV and appliance repair | |
Research laboratory - chemical, biological, engineering, physics, product testing | |
Sign painting indoors with all signs and materials stored within an enclosed yard | |
Termite and pest control | |
Welding/ machine shop | |
Offices | |
Accounting and financial services | |
Architectural | |
Contractor's office, no outdoor storage | |
Engineering/ software/ computer repair | |
General offices/ real estate/ insurance | |
Legal | |
Employment agency, no training or schools | |
Newspaper publishing | |
Travel agency | |
Eating and Drinking Establishments | |
Restaurant without alcohol sales or drive-through | |
Storage, indoors only, no outdoor storage yards | |
Building materials | |
Contractor's materials, indoors only, no outdoor storage | |
Oil field service equipment/ supplies | |
Vehicle storage | |
Warehousing | |
Warehousing, repackaging and distribution of materials and products indoors when such activities do not create offensive odors, excessive dust or radioactivity or other environmental hazards. | |
Manufacturing and Assembly | |
Manufacturing and assembly of materials and products indoors when such activities do not create offensive odors, excessive dust or radioactivity or other environmental hazards. | |
3. Area 3 - Recycling and Solid Waste Transfer Facility as defined under the Integrated Waste Management Act of 1989 (Public Resources Code Sections 40000 et seq.) subject to City Council approval of a Conditional User Permit.
4. Area 4 - Truck Terminal and Administrative Offices in conjunction with a Recycling and Solid Waste Transfer Facility subject to the City Council approval of a Conditional Use Permit.
B. Accessory Uses. Accessory uses permitted in conjunction with the development shall be those permitted in the GI and LI zones.
C. Nonconforming Uses. Existing nonconforming uses may continue as provided in Chapter 20.82.
D. Unlisted Uses Prohibited. Unlisted uses shall be prohibited including the following unlisted uses that are expressly prohibited: Auto body repair, auto painting, towing, towing dispatch office, auto wrecking, dismantling, junk yard, trucking yard, transit yard, truck repair, bus, ambulance or van storage, auto shipping, storage of shipping containers, tire recapping, trailer for office use, commercial marijuana activity, medical office, dental office, optometrist office, chiropractic office, hazardous waste management facilities, schools including trade schools, gyms or sports clubs, public storage and vendor food sales.
E. The use or temporary use of vacant unimproved land for parking or storage shall be prohibited.
(Ord. 2017-11-1497 § 7, 2017; Ord. 2016-01-1484 § 5; Ord. 2011-04-1424 § 5; Ord. 2010-09-1420, § 1, 2010; Ord. 2009-02-1397 § 2, 3, 2009; Ord. 2007-02-1372 1; Ord. 2006-11-1368 § 1)