The purpose of this chapter is to authorize the creation of planned development districts as an additional zoning classification in the city where the creation of such districts will foster innovative development of large areas of land by encouraging their development in a comprehensive integrated manner in accordance with the goals and policies of the general plan. It is the further purpose of a planned development district to provide protection in areas of the city subject to unique environmental constraints such as severe slope, geological hazards such as seismic activity and landslides, severe noise, and soil impacted by oil extraction and production activity, as well as unique environmental opportunities such as the preservation of panoramic views, scenic beauty, and open space. It is intended that planned development districts will allow for flexible approaches to develop the land in ways which will accommodate its unusual constraints and opportunities so as to protect the integrity of the property of those citizens who will inhabit and use it.
(Ord. 87-02-987 § 2 (part); Ord. 86-03-969 § 2 (part), 1986)
Planned development districts shall be created by zoning ordinances adopted in accordance with the procedures of Chapter 20.86 of this title and state law. All planned development districts created shall permit only those uses provided for in the general plan or determined by the planning commission to be consistent therewith. A planned development district shall be authorized only on sites containing five or more acres of land.
(Ord. 87-02-987 § 2 (part); Ord. 86-03-969 § 2 (part), 1986)
A. Planned development districts shall require that any development proposed thereunder shall be subject to the discretionary approval of the planning commission pursuant to the site plan review process set forth at Chapter 20.52, and may establish special development standards and require compliance with special findings and/or procedures which will further the purposes of the districts and the general plan.
B. In addition to the submittal information for site plan review required by Chapter 20.52, the following information shall be submitted by the proponent of any project in a planned development district pursuant to the site plan review process:
1. A legal description of the total site proposed for development, including a statement of present and proposed ownership;
2. A statement of planning objectives to be achieved by the particular approach proposed by the applicant. This statement should include a description of the character of the proposed development and the rationale behind the assumptions and choices made by the applicant;
3. A development schedule indicating the approximate date when construction on the site or stages of the development can be expected to begin and be completed;
4. A statement of the applicant's intentions with regard to the future selling or leasing of all or portions of the site, such as land areas, dwelling units, etc.;
5. Quantitative data for the following: total number and type of dwelling units; parcel size; proposed lot coverage of buildings and structures; approximate gross and net residential densities; total amount of open space including setbacks and a separate figure for usable open space; economic feasibility studies or market analysis where necessary; and other studies as required by the department of planning and community development;
6. A geophysical evaluation of the site sufficient to determine existing soils and seismic conditions which will affect the proposed development. The report shall include recommendations by a soils engineer as to site design, grading or building standards needed to ensure safety of building occupants from soils or seismic hazards;
7. Three sets of mailing labels for property owners within three hundred feet of the development site;
8. The existing site conditions including contours at two-foot intervals, unique natural features, and vegetation (specifically the location and types of all trees with trunks eight inches or more in diameter) and typical cross-sections sufficient to show the proposed method of adapting the development to the site;
9. Proposed lot lines and plot designs, and a tentative tract map submitted pursuant to Title 18;
10. The location and floor area size of all existing and proposed buildings, structures, and other improvements including maximum heights, types of dwelling units and density per type;
11. The location and size in acres or square feet of all areas to be conveyed, dedicated, or reserved as common open spaces, public parks, recreational areas, school sites, and similar public and semipublic uses;
12. The existing and proposed circulation system of arterial, collector, and local streets including off-street parking areas, service areas, loading areas, and major points of access to public rights-of-way (including major points of ingress and egress to the development). Notations of proposed ownership, public or private, should be included where appropriate. Detailed engineering drawings of cross-sections and street standards will also be required;
13. The existing and proposed pedestrian circulation system, including its interrelationships with the vehicular circulation system, indicating proposed treatments of points of conflict;
14. The existing and proposed on-site utility systems including sanitary sewers, storm sewers, and water, electric, gas, cable TV and telephone lines and their connections to off-site systems. Where improvements to or extensions of off-site systems are needed to serve the development, plans for making these improvements or providing adequate funds shall be submitted;
15. Enough information on land areas adjacent to the site to indicate the relationships between the proposed development and existing and proposed adjacent areas (both within and outside of the planned development district), including land uses, zoning classifications, densities, circulation systems, public facilities, and unique natural features of the landscape;
16. The proposed treatment of the perimeter of the site, including materials and techniques used such as screens, fences, and walls;
17. A grading concept plan showing the treatments of all cut and fill slopes and indicating the amount of material to be moved, the amount to be imported or exported and the effect of grading and development on natural drainage systems;
18. A view protection plan showing how building siting, design, and open space have been coordinated to optimize view potential;
19. A demonstration of how measures for nonmechanical ventilation of structures, optimum building orientation to maximize solar orientation and other energy conservation measures shall be incorporated into the project design;
20. Where projects are developed in stages, a formal application can be considered only for the stage for which the above materials have been presented. Sketch plans including the bare essentials, land uses, densities, site design, adjacent uses, circulation, should be submitted for the remaining land to be developed in future stages of the project even though they are not yet under consideration for approval;
21. Streetscape (landscaping, lighting, street furniture) concept plans;
22. Provisions for security and fire protection;
23. Noise attenuation plans for units within year 2000 CNEL contours exceeding 65 dB(A)s.
(Ord. 87-02-987 § 2 (part); Ord. 86-03-969 § 2 (part), 1986)