Chapter 20.22
   20.22.010   Purpose.
   20.22.015   Defined
   20.22.020   Application to all storage yards and outdoor storage areas.
   20.22.030   Exempt storage yards.
   20.22.040   Standards for fences or gates.
   20.22.050   Exhibit of acceptable and unacceptable fences.
   20.22.055   Maintenance standards.
   20.22.060   Compliance plans.
   20.22.065   Nonconforming outdoor storage yards.
   20.22.070   Appeals.
   20.22.080   Penalties.
20.22.010   Purpose.
   A.   The purpose of this chapter is to establish standards for storage yard fences and to improve the appearance of the city by improving the appearance of existing legal nonconforming storage yards that have fallen into disrepair and have become unattractive and detract from the high quality appearance of the commercial and industrial areas. The requirements of this chapter to replace existing privacy fences to screen storage yards from view from public rights-of-way are necessary because many existing storage yard privacy fences are chain link fences in poor repair and unsightly condition due to damaged fence posts and gates, deteriorated, broken or missing wood, metal or plastic privacy slats or sagging, torn or faded mesh screen fabric fence coverings. The unsightly condition of these existing storage yard fences detracts from the neat and orderly appearance of the city and negatively affects property values.
   B.   The City recognizes the need for outdoor storage yards and outdoor storage areas. The additional standards as found in section 20.22.055 of this chapter are necessary to maintain and conceal the storage within storage yards and outdoor storage areas from view from adjacent public rights-of way and to reduce the discharge of sediment, debris, oils, greases and other pollutants in urban and storm water runoff. These standards serve to improve the appearance of existing commercial and industrial properties.
(Ord. 2011-04-1423 § 5(part))
20.22.015   Defined.
   A.   Outdoor storage area. "Outdoor storage area" means any portion of a property, used for the primary purpose of storing, keeping or maintaining, whether on a temporary or permanent basis, durable goods, materials, equipment, vehicles, stockpiles or other similar items outside. All outdoor storage areas shall comply with the provisions of Chapter 20.22, unless exempted.
   B.   Storage yards. "Storage yard" means any property used for the primary purpose of storing, keeping, or maintaining, whether on a temporary or permanent basis, durable goods, materials, equipment, vehicles, stockpiles, or other similar items outside. All storage yards shall comply with the provisions of Chapter 20.22, unless exempted.
(Ord. 2011-04-1423 § 5(part))