20.49.010 Purpose.
20.49.020 Adoption of SP-6, commercial corridor specific plan.
20.49.030 Use classifications.
20.49.040 Design criteria.
20.49.050 Building height.
20.49.060 Required yards and setbacks.
20.49.065 Landscape materials and turf replacement.
20.49.070 Parking areas.
20.49.075 Required transportation-related improvements.
20.49.080 Trash storage and recyclable materials enclosures.
20.49.090 Signs.
20.49.100 Underground utilities.
20.49.110 Mechanical equipment.
20.49.120 Infrastructure.
20.49.130 Open space.
20.49.140 Resources protection.
20.49.150 Relationship to general plan.
20.49.160 Relationship to other ordinances.
A. The purpose of this chapter is to guide the physical development of various parcels of land which are well-suited to large, single-tenant retail commercial uses because of their accessibility and visibility to users of adjoining major surface streets. The highest quality development of these parcels, however, may be hindered by certain combinations of site characteristics, including two or more of the following:
1. Topography which makes compliance with city parking and grading standards impractical without expensive retaining walls;
2. Lot frontage-to-depth ratios greater than one-to-one which make unified development of relatively large parcels infeasible;
3. Presence of operating or previously abandoned oil wells;
4. Frontage on heavily-travelled thoroughfare where minimizing number of mid-block vehicle ingress and egress driveways promotes safe and efficient traffic flow.
B. Parcels subject to this code section share the following traits advantageous to orderly development and promotion of the highest quality physical development through application of the development standards in this section:
1. Location at the intersection of a major surface street with another surface street of any designation, excepting alleys;
2. Location within the landscape overlay zone;
3. Lot size of one hundred thousand square feet or more.
C. Goals for development within the SP-6, commercial corridor specific plan include the following:
1. To achieve optimal use of each site for the purposes of providing a strong retail base and generating sales tax revenues to the city;
2. To achieve a cohesiveness in building design on and among parcels within the specific plan, and with parcels in different zoning classifications located along the same major surface street corridor;
3. To achieve site design that facilitates safe and efficient vehicular flow to, from, and on each site.
(Ord. 94-05-1179 § 1 (part))
A. Principal Uses. The following uses shall be permitted within the SP-6, commercial corridor specific plan area:
1. Retail Sales Uses.
Art galleries and art supplies;
Baked goods, provided that products baked on premises shall be sold only on premises;
Books and stationery;
Cards and gifts;
Craft and hobby supplies;
Delicatessen and meat market (no processing);
Department store;
Drug store;
Household appliances, including electronic equipment and computers;
Fruits and vegetables;
Ice cream parlor;
Lawn and garden supplies;
Music store including records, tapes, compact discs;
Newspapers and magazines;
Paint and wallpaper supplies;
Pet store including pet supplies, feed, accessories and animal sales;
Photographic supplies and studio;
Rental Car Agency;
Sporting goods;
Toy store;
Vendor cart sales.
2. Eating Establishments.
Restaurants including those with outdoor dining, but excluding drive-through restaurants.
3. Services.
Animal boarding*;
Animal grooming*;
Animal training* (indoors only)
Apparel cleaning and drying, retail only including dry cleaning of clothes in enclosed machines using nonflammable cleaning compounds;
Banks and savings and loans with ATM’s interior/exterior wall mounted;
Barber and beauty shops;
Professional offices;
Shoe repair;
Travel agency;
* Accessory to pet store only. All animals must be kept in an enclosed building.
4. Pay phones and vending machines shall be subject to the following criteria:
a. Pay phones and vending machines must be located behind the required front and side setbacks located adjacent to streets.
b. Pay phones and vending machines shall not encroach, nor project into driveways, required off-street parking stalls or pedestrian pathways.
c. Prior to the installation of a pay phone or vending machine, the applicant shall: (a) obtain approval of a site plan pursuant to Chapter 20.52; (b) obtain a building permit (when applicable); and (c) pay fees as established by the city council by resolution and may be adjusted from time to time.
d. Failure to obtain a permit shall cause a double fee to be imposed pursuant to Uniform Building Code Section 15.02.060 as established by resolution and may be adjusted from time to time.
e. Pay phones and vending machines shall comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act, and have adequate lighting to create a safe environment and not create glare onto adjacent properties.
f. Pay phones and vending machines shall not have overhead wiring or exposed conduit.
g. Prior to installation, pay phones and vending machines shall require approval by the planning department to assure that the location does not interfere with public access, is in a safe and secure location, provides convenient access, will not create an excessive number of such machines, and will not create any conditions of public nuisance.
h. Pay phones and vending machines and all areas surrounding said machines shall be kept in a clean and orderly manner by the owner or tenant of the property upon which the phone or machine is located.
B. Uses Permitted Subject to Conditional Use Permit. The following uses may be permitted subject to approval of a conditional use permit, in accordance with Chapter 20.64 of the Signal Hill Municipal Code, provided that in addition to the findings required in Chapter 20.64 of the Signal Hill Municipal Code, any conditional use permit shall be found to be consistent with the goals and objectives of the SP-6, commercial corridor specific plan:
1. Convenience food store with or without gas sales;
2. Drive-through restaurants;
3. Government building;
4. Gymnasium or health club;
5. Motion picture or live theatre, excluding drive-in movie theatre;
6. Packaged liquor products, including liquor, beer, and wine, wherein the proposed operator can demonstrate substantial likelihood that such sales will constitute less than twenty-five percent of total gross receipts;
7. Restaurants, bars, and cocktail lounges with or without dancing and entertainment facilities;
8. Oil well and appurtenant facilities subject to the provisions of Chapter 20.64 of Title 20 of the Signal Hill Municipal Code;
9. ATM’s freestanding, subject to the provisions of Section 20.20.020(KK) of Title 20 of the Signal Hill Municipal Code.
C. Limitations on Uses.
1. All uses shall be conducted within a completely enclosed building excepting temporary uses as permitted above, retail sales of lawn and garden supplies, and restaurants which include outdoor dining;
2. No on-site overnight parking of vehicles shall be permitted except for those vehicles used in conjunction with a permitted use;
3. Storage shall be permitted only within an entirely enclosed building and shall be limited to accessory storage of commodities sold or utilized in the conduct of a permitted use on the premises.
D. Prohibited Uses. The following uses are prohibited within the SP-6, commercial corridor specific plan:
1. Auto parts (sale of);
2. Auto repair and service;
3. Check cashing;
4. Gasoline service stations;
5. Ice and food product dispensing machines in exterior locations;
6. Commercial marijuana activity;
7. Medical offices;
8. Pool halls;
9. Adult entertainment business.
E. Continuation of Nonconforming Uses Permitted. Except as otherwise provided in this chapter, nonconforming lots, structures or uses existing in this zoning district may be continued, but may not be constructed, established, altered, modified, reconstructed, replaced or enlarged in any way which increases the nonconformity.
1. For any property containing a nonconforming industrial use in the zone, the use may be continued, sold or ownership transferred without forfeiting any nonconforming rights previously established.
2. For any property containing a nonconforming industrial use in the zone, a less intensive industrial use may be permitted on the property without loss of nonconforming status to the extent provided herein and subject to the approval of the community development director. The community development director shall determine, based upon the standards contained in this section what constitutes a less intensive industrial use. Once the property has been changed to a less intensive use, it may not be restored to the more intensive use.
3. Factors which the community development director may consider in making a determination of what constitutes a less intensive industrial use may include, but are not limited to the following:
a. Whether the proposed use will generate less odor, dust or fumes than the prior nonconforming use;
b. Whether the proposed use will generate less noise which may negatively impact nearby residents than the prior use;
c. Whether the proposed use will generate less traffic than the prior use, or will otherwise diminish traffic congestion in the area or will promote traffic safety more than the prior use;
d. Whether the proposed use would lessen any danger of water contamination or degradation, soil contamination, or other environmental hazard; and
e. Whether the proposed use is more harmonious with surrounding residential uses, and promotes the goals of the zone more than the previous use.
4. In making a determination that a particular use is a less intensive industrial use, the community development director may require repair and/or exterior rehabilitation of an industrial building to reduce or mitigate the building's aesthetic impact on surrounding residential areas.
5. On any application for a determination of less intensive industrial use, the party seeking the determination shall provide the community development director with such information as the community development director deems necessary to make the determination.
F. Permitted Repairs and Alterations for Nonconforming Uses. Repairs and alterations of nonconforming uses shall be subject to the limitations contained in Signal Hill Municipal Section 20.82.030.
(Ord. 2017-11-1497 § 11; Ord. 2016-01-1484 § 9; Ord. 2014-01-1466 § 1; Ord. 2011-06- 1426 § 1; Ord. 2011-04-1424 § 9; Ord. 99-03- 1251 §§ 1 and 2; Ord. 98-12-1243 § 3 (part); Ord. 98-01-1228; Ord. 97-11-1226; Ord. 94-05-1179 § 1 (part); Ord. 2008-03-1379 §§ 3, 4)