20.10.010 Purpose of districts.
20.10.020 Use classification.
20.10.030 Lot area and dimensions.
20.10.040 Dwelling unit density.
20.10.041 Two-unit projects.
20.10.050 Density bonus.
20.10.060 Building height.
20.10.070 Yards.
20.10.072 Landscape materials and turf replacement.
20.10.075 Accessory buildings.
20.10.076 Patio covers.
20.10.077 Patio covers-Open trellis.
20.10.080 Required setbacks.
20.10.090 Open space.
20.10.100 Space between buildings on the same lot.
20.10.110 Lot coverage by buildings.
20.10.115 Floor area ratio.
20.10.120 Fences, walls and hedges.
20.10.130 Off-street parking.
20.10.140 Vehicular and pedestrian access.
20.10.150 Permitted projections into required yards.
20.10.160 General provisions.
* Prior ordinance history: Ords. 87-02-987, 87-05-989 and 89-09-1038.
The residential districts listed below shall have the following purposes:
A. The RL, residential low density zone, is intended to provide for the orderly development and maintenance of low density neighborhoods in accordance with the general plan. Permitted housing types include single-family detached dwellings and duplexes.
B. The RLM-1, residential low/medium density-1 zone, is intended to provide for the orderly development of low/medium density residential neighborhoods exclusively limited to small-lot subdivisions of single-family detached dwellings.
C. The RLM-2, residential low/medium density-2 zone, is intended to provide for the orderly development and maintenance of low/medium residential neighborhoods which include both single-family dwellings and duplexes.
D. The RH, residential high density zone, is intended to provide for the orderly development and maintenance of high density residential neighborhoods in areas without physical constraints to such development and where infrastructure is adequate to support such development.
E. Refer to Chapter 20.20, Commercial/Industrial Districts, for CR-commercial residential standards.
(Ord. 93-03-1152 § 4 (part): Ord. 89-09-1040 § 1 (part))
The uses stated below shall be classified and authorized in each district as shown in the table. Unlisted uses shall be prohibited.
P - Permitted use
C - Conditional use permit required
A - Accessory use
T - Temporary use permit required, subject to requirements in Section 20.66.210
X - Prohibited
Districts | ||||
Uses | RL | RLM-1 | RLM-2 | RH |
Districts | ||||
Uses | RL | RLM-1 | RLM-2 | RH |
Single-family detached dwellings | P | P | P | P |
Manufactured and/or mobile homes on a permanent foundation (A) | P | P | P | P |
Duplexes (B) | P | X | P | P |
Multifamily dwellings | X | X | X | P |
New condominiums or stock cooperatives | X | X | X | P |
Conversions to condominiums or stock cooperatives | X | X | X | C |
Private garages | A | A | A | A |
Common area garages | A | X | A | A |
Carports | X | X | X | X |
Care facility - intermediate skilled nursing, residential for the elderly, community, congregate living, convalescent, large family day care (C) | X | X | X | C |
Public parks | P | P | P | P |
Tennis courts, pools, spas and similar recreational facilities | A | A | A | A |
Alcohol and drug abuse recovery and treatment facility (C) | X | X | X | X |
Lighted tennis courts | C | C | C | C |
Home occupations (D) | A | A | A | A |
Signs | A | A | A | A |
Construction trailers with or without electrical power | T | T | T | T |
Temporary tract offices/model homes | T | T | T | T |
Trailer camp or park | X | X | X | X |
Utility distribution stations | C | C | C | C |
Churches | X | X | X | X |
Satellite dish antenna (E) | P | P | P | P |
Pay phones | X | X | X | X |
Vending machines | X | X | X | X |
Garage sales (F) | P | P | P | P |
Licensed group home | P | P | P | P |
Single room occupancy | X | X | X | C |
Supportive housing | P | P | P | P |
Transitional housing | P | P | P | P |
Personal indoor marijuana cultivation (G) | P | P | P | P |
(A) Subject to Section 20.66.220, Mobile Homes.
(B) Within the RL district, there shall be no more than one dwelling on any lot, except that a lot abutting a parcel developed with multiple-family dwellings prior to February 17, 1987, may be developed subject to the RLM-2 density and development standards herein.
(C) As defined in the California Health and Safety Code subject to requirements of municipal code Chapter 8.16, Institutions.
(D) Requires business license. Refer to Section 20.04.384 for home occupation requirements.
(E) 1. Shall not be located in any required setback.
2. Where determined by the director of planning to be feasible, antennas shall be mounted on the ground.
3. No antenna shall exceed twenty-five feet in height above grade. Antennas shall be screened by landscaping or fencing to the extent feasible, for the purpose of minimizing visibility from adjoining streets and properties.
4. No antenna shall be of a bright, shiny or glare reflective finish or color.
(F) "Garage sales" means the sale of personal items owned by the property owner or tenant of the lot on which the sale is being conducted. A maximum of three garage sale events shall be permitted per year. Each event shall not exceed two consecutive days. A permit shall be required for each event, and shall be obtained at the planning department.
(G) Personal indoor marijuana cultivation is permitted at private residences in the city, subject to the regulations and requirements found in Chapter 9.50, Personal Marijuana Cultivation.
(Ord. 2017-11-1497 § 3; Ord. 2014-08-1471 § 2; Ord. 2009-12-1410 § 2; Ord. 99-12-1264 §§ 1,2; Ord. 98-12-1243 § 4 (part); Ord. 93-03- 1152 § 4 (part): Ord. 91-03-1091: Ord. 89-09- 1040 § 1 (part))
In each residential district, each lot shall comply with lot area and dimension standards contained in Chapter 20.66, and shall have the minimum area and dimensions shown below.
Minimum Lot Area (sq.ft.) | Minimum Lot Frontage | Minimum Lot Depth | |
RL | 5,000 | 55 | 90 |
RLM-1 | 6,000 | 50 | 120 |
RLM-2 | 5,000 | 50 | 100 |
RH | 6,000 | 50 | 120 |
Lots which front on curved streets or culs-de-sac shall measure their minimum lot width at the required front setback line.
Irregular lots may be permitted by the planning commission. For the purpose of this chapter, an irregular lot shall be one which meets the minimum lot area required but does not meet minimum length and/or width requirements. In permitting irregular lots, the planning commission shall determine that there are practical difficulties related to size, shape and topography of the site which make impractical the provision of lots meeting all dimension requirements, or that permitting irregular lots within a development will not have an adverse impact on or detract from the overall design or layout of the project or that permitting irregular lots will improve the overall project design.
(Ord. 93-03-1152 § 4 (part): Ord. 89-09-1040 § 1 (part))