Chapter 20.18
   20.18.010   Purpose of district.
   20.18.020   Use classifications.
   20.18.030   Lot area and dimensions.
   20.18.040   Building height.
   20.18.050   Yards generally.
   20.18.060   Required setbacks.
   20.18.070   Fences, walls and hedges.
   20.18.080   Lot coverage by building.
   20.18.090   Off-street parking.
   20.18.095   Required transportation-related improvements.
   20.18.110   Off-street loading.
   20.18.120   Trash storage and recyclable materials enclosures.
   20.18.130   Permitted projections into required yards.
   20.18.140   Modifications of standards for restrictions on use.
   20.18.150   General provisions.
20.18.010   Purpose of district.
   The OS open space district shall have the following purposes:
   The OS open space district is intended to provide for orderly establishment of parks, schools, public or institutional facilities, and other open space and recreational uses. It is also intended to allow the expansion of operations or improvement of facilities on lands owned, leased or otherwise controlled by governmental agencies. In establishing this district, the city has found and determined a need to designate open space areas for both outdoor recreation, resource conservation and public health and safety purposes. Areas given special attention in this district include, but are not limited to, areas of outstanding scenic, historical and cultural value; areas particularly suited for park and recreation purposes; areas which serve as links between major recreation and open space reservations; areas which require special management or regulation because of hazardous or special conditions such as unstable soil areas and areas presenting high fire risks; areas which must be preserved to promote natural resource conservation, including oil production; areas necessary to establish view corridors and promote view protection; areas required for the protection of water quality and water reservoirs; and areas required for the protection and enhancement of air quality. Overall, it is the city's intent to help preserve, enhance and maintain a quality environment through the development standards for this district. Notwithstanding the foregoing, it is expressly acknowledged that development is permitted within the open space district and the owner of property should be able to realize a reasonable return on the property. In recognition of this principle, extensive development standards are provided. It is hoped that these standards will, however, promote and enhance the open space policies and values contained herein.
(Ord. 2008-07-1381 § 1 (part): Ord. 93-03-1152 § 5 (part): Ord. 87-12-1000 § 3 (part))