"Grade" means the gradient; the rate of incline or decline expressed as a percent. For example, a rise of twenty-five feet in a horizontal distance of one hundred feet would be expressed as a grade of twenty-five percent. See also Section 20.04.672.
(Prior code § 19.08.500 (Ord. 557 § 105(G) (part), 1964))
"Finished grade" means the final elevations of the ground on a lot or public right-of-way following the completion of any grading or construction work. Ground elevations shall be delineated in feet above or below a city-recognized datum point as noted on the city's official topographic maps on file in the city hall.
(Prior code § 19.08.501 (Ord. 582 § 1(1)(b) (part), 1965: Ord. 557 § 105 (part), 1964))
"Natural grade" means the ground elevations existing on a parcel of property or public right-of-way as delineated on the city's official topographic maps. Said maps have been prepared by photogrametric methods on June 29, 1960, and are on file in the city hall.
(Prior code § 19.08.502 (Ord. 582 § 1(1)(b) (part), 1965: Ord. 557 § 105 (part), 1964))
"Greenhouse" means a building or structure constructed chiefly of glass, glass-like translucent material, cloth or lath, which is devoted to the protection or cultivation of flowers or other tender plants. The special standards of Section 20.68.120 shall apply.
(Prior code § 19.08.503 (Ord. 557 § 105(G) (part), 1964))
Grocery store means a dealer who predominantly sells staple foodstuffs, meats, produce, dairy products and household supplies. Stores also typically sell baked goods, pharmaceutical products, flowers, alcoholic beverages like wine, beer and spirits, magazines and books, DVDs and pet supplies. Grocery stores may also lease space or enter into franchise agreements or partnerships with third party vendors like coffee, fast food or banking services.
(Ord. 2008-03-1379 § 1, 2008)