20.82.010 Purpose of provisions.
20.82.020 Continuation of nonconforming uses permitted.
20.82.024 Nonconforming industrial uses in residential zones.
20.82.030 Permitted repairs and alterations.
20.82.040 Permitted additions and expansion.
20.82.050 Nonconforming lots.
20.82.060 Effect of discontinuance.
20.82.070 Provisions applicable to lawful uses only.
* Prior ordinance history: Prior code §§ 19.80.010--19.80.060; Ord. 557 § 406 as amended by Ord. 582 § 1(59, 60) and Ords. 69-10-647, 78-9-808 and 79-11-833.
Within the districts established by this title there exist lots, buildings, and uses which were lawful before the ordinance codified in this title was passed or amended, but which would be prohibited, regulated, or restricted under the terms of the zoning ordinance or future amendment. It is the intent of this chapter to permit these noncon-formities to continue subject to certain conditions. For the purpose of protecting the public health, safety, and general welfare, however the enlargement or alteration of such nonconformities shall be regulated. Nothing within this chapter shall be deemed to permit the continuation of a public nuisance.
(Ord. 88-12-1023 § 1 (part))
Except as otherwise provided in this chapter, nonconforming lots, structures, or uses existing in any zoning district may be continued but may not be constructed, established, altered, modified, reconstructed, replaced, or enlarged in any way which increases the nonconformity.
(Ord. 88-12-1023 § 1 (part))