Area One
20.33.010 Purpose.
20.33.020 Adoption of SP-13, Cherry Avenue Corridor Residential Specific Plan.
20.33.030 Use Classifications.
20.33.040 Dwelling unit density.
20.33.050 Development standards.
20.33.060 Building height.
20.33.070 Required setbacks.
20.33.080 Yard requirements.
20.33.085 Landscape materials and turf replacement.
20.33.090 Private Yards.
20.33.100 Permitted projections into required yards.
20.33.110 Fences, walls and hedges.
20.33.120 Off-street parking.
20.33.130 Trash and recycling storage area.
20.33.140 Signs.
20.33.150 Mechanical equipment.
20.33.160 Utilities, public facilities and services.
20.33.170 Non-conforming uses.
Area Two
20.33.180 Purpose
20.33.190 Adoption of SP-13, Cherry Avenue Corridor Residential Specific Plan.
20.33.200 Use Classifications.
20.33.210 Dwelling unit density.
20.33.220 Development standards.
20.33.230 Building height.
20.33.240 Required setbacks.
20.33.250 Yard requirements.
20.33.255 Landscape materials and turf replacement.
20.33.260 Permitted projections into required yards.
20.33.270 Fences, walls and hedges.
20.33.280 Off-street parking.
20.33.290 Trash and recycling storage area.
20.33.300 Signs.
20.33.310 Mechanical equipment.
20.33.320 Utilities, public facilities and services.
Area One
A. Application of the Specific Plan Concept.
1. A specific plan and its function may be described by comparison with the general plan. The general plan expresses, in very broad terms, the city's planning of its future environment, generally on a long-term basis. Adopted by the city as a legislative act, the general plan may be amended, as required by changing circumstances. The specific plan, on the other hand, is a device used to implement the general plan by focusing on a particular parcel or parcels. The specific plan sets standards, against which development can be judged, and imposes controls on the use of the subject parcels. The specific plan is more detailed than a general plan and can be viewed as a bridge between the general plan and individual project submittals.
2. The intent and purpose of this chapter is to establish a specific plan to guide the physical development of a particular geographic area within the city. In an effort to accommodate the city's diverse housing needs, the concepts, regulations and conditions set forth in the Cherry Avenue Corridor residential specific plan, area one, provide for the development of the site as market rate housing.
3. The specific plan has been prepared in accordance with the requirements of the State Government Code (Section 64540 through 65507) and addresses all of the issues and topics specified in that code.
B. Location and Boundary of Area One. The specific plan area one is an area of 1.75 acres generally located on the east side of Cherry Avenue between 19th and 20th Streets. The boundaries of the area are more specifically set forth in Figure 1, attached to the ordinance codified in this chapter and on file in the office of the city clerk.
C. Goals and Objectives. Goals for the development within the SP-13, Cherry Avenue Corridor residential specific plan, area one, include the following:
1. Encourage the development of privately sponsored housing developments.
2. Apply design standards which result in the highest quality development and achieve streetscapes with pedestrian scale and ambiance consistent with Signal Hill's small town character.
3. Provide architectural diversity and avoid uniformity of appearance.
(Ord. 2004-04-1328 (part))