20.21.010 Purpose.
20.21.020 Goals and objectives.
20.21.030 Required setbacks.
20.21.040 New storage yards.
20.21.050 Fencing at existing storage yards and parking lots.
20.21.060 Landscaping.
20.21.070 Painting.
20.21.080 Parking lots and driveways.
20.21.090 Compliance plan.
20.21.100 Penalties.
A. Application of the Overlay Concept. The purpose of this chapter is to establish an overlay zoning district that may be superimposed upon existing zoning districts in order to improve the appearance of the properties with frontage along Orange Avenue between Willow and Hill Streets. All property within the district shall be developed and maintained in accordance with the provisions of the underlying zoning district as well as this overlay zone. In the event of a conflict between the underlying zoning and this overlay zone, the provisions of this overlay zone shall govern. Compliance herewith shall be obtained in accordance with the compliance plan described in Section 20.21.090.
(Ord. 99-02-1247 § 3 (part))
Goals for the overlay district include:
1. Apply property maintenance standards that would require property owners in the district to improve their properties beyond that required under other applicable codes;
2. Improve the appearance of properties in the district by requiring new, neat fences, functional screening and adequate landscaping with automatic irrigation systems at existing storage yards and by requiring the repainting of buildings and repaving of parking lots;
3. Encourage the redevelopment of the lots in the district, which are shallow in depth, by reducing the front setback requirements;
4. Ensure that the property owners bring their property into compliance with the provisions of this chapter by submitting and obtaining approval of a compliance plan and timely implementing such compliance plan.
(Ord. 99-02-1247 § 3 (part))
A. The required setback lines for all new development shall be the number of feet stated below as measured from the established future right-of-way line:
Front Setback
Buildings--10 ft.
Parking lot--5 ft.
Outdoor storage area--5 ft.
Rear Setback--0 ft.
Interior Side Setback--0 ft.
Street Side setback--0 ft.
B. Exceptions. Fences at storage yards and parking lots existing as of the effective date of this chapter shall comply with the requirements of Section 20.21.050.
(Ord. 99-02-1247 § 3 (part))