"Accessory living quarters" means living quarters within an accessory building located on the same premises with the main building, for use by temporary guests of the occupant of the premises; such quarters having no kitchen facilities and not rented or otherwise used as a separate dwelling unit. See Section 20.04.093.
(Prior code § 19.08.095 (Ord. 557 § 105(A) (part), 1964))
"Adult oriented business" means any business described in section 9.64.020 of this code.
(Ord. 2004-07-1334 § 1)
"Advertising structure" means any notice or advertisement, pictorial or otherwise, and all such structures used as an outdoor display, regardless of size and shape, for the purposes of making anything known, the origin or place of sale of which is not on the property with such advertising structure.
(Prior code § 19.08.115 (Ord. 557 § 105(A) (part), 1964))