20.47.010 Purpose.
20.47.020 Adoption of SP-4 auto center specific plan.
20.47.025 Accessory uses.
20.47.027 Prohibited uses.
20.47.030 Property development standards.
20.47.040 Development review procedures.
20.47.045 Temporary uses.
20.47.050 Required setbacks.
20.47.060 Required yards.
20.47.062 Land materials and turf replacement.
20.47.065 Required transportation-related improvements.
20.47.070 On-site parking.
20.47.080 On-site circulation.
20.47.090 Automobile and truck storage.
20.47.095 Temporary automobile and truck storage.
20.47.100 Service bay facilities.
20.47.110 Automobile and truck loading/unloading.
20.47.120 Landscaping and irrigation.
20.47.140 Rooftop equipment.
The purpose of this chapter is to guide the physical development of factory-authorized or nationally franchised or operated automobile, truck and motorcycle sales and service facilities which together are known as the Signal Hill auto center. Development standards are intended to provide flexibility an the design of the unique building type required for automobile and track sales. Architectural, site plan and landscaping designs also shall contribute to a sense of unity among individual dealerships. The goal shall be a strong, visual identity for the Signal Hill auto center.
(Ord. 2000-11-1278 § 3; Ord. 89-07-1034 § 1 (part); Ord. 2008-03-1378 § 1)
The uses stated below shall be classified and authorized as an accessory use in the auto center specific plan:
A. Rental car agency.
B. Automobile and light truck body repair and painting (permitted subject to approval of a conditional use permit in accordance with Chapter 20.64 of the Signal Hill Municipal Code).
(Ord. 2010-04-1414 § 1: Ord. 2000-01-1266 § 1)