20.04.001 Generally.
20.04.002 Aboveground deck.
20.04.003 Abut or abutting.
20.04.006 Accessory living quarters.
20.04.009 Acre.
20.04.012 Adjacent.
20.04.015 Adjoin.
20.04.018 Adult oriented businesses.
20.04.021 Advertising structure.
20.04.024 Advisory agency.
20.04.027 Aircraft.
20.04.030 Airport.
20.04.031 Alcoholic beverage manufacturing.
20.04.032 Alcoholic beverage manufacturing (ABM) tasting room.
20.04.033 Alley.
20.04.036 Altered.
20.04.039 Ambulatory persons.
20.04.042 Amendment.
20.04.045 Animal hospital.
20.04.048 Apartment.
20.04.051 Apartment hotel.
20.04.054 Apartment house.
20.04.057 Assessor.
20.04.058 Auto center accessory use.
20.04.060 Auto court.
20.04.063 Automobile and trailer sales lot.
20.04.066 Automobile wrecking yard.
20.04.069 Automotive service station.
20.04.070 Balcony.
20.04.072 Basement.
20.04.075 Billboard.
20.04.078 Block frontage.
20.04.081 Boardinghouse or roominghouse.
20.04.084 Borrow pit.
20.04.087 Breezeway.
20.04.090 Building.
20.04.093 Building, accessory.
20.04.096 Building, area of.
20.04.099 Building envelope.
20.04.102 Building height.
20.04.105 Building, main.
20.04.108 Building setback line.
20.04.111 Building site.
20.04.114 Building, temporary.
20.04.117 Building unit group.
20.04.120 Bungalow court.
20.04.123 Business.
20.04.126 Cabana.
20.04.128 Caretaker's residence.
20.04.129 Carport.
20.04.132 Cellar.
20.04.135 Cemetery.
20.04.138 Centerline.
20.04.141 Child care nursery.
20.04.142 Chiropractic college.
20.04.144 Church.
20.04.147 Cleaning service, coin-operated.
20.04.150 Clinic.
20.04.153 Club.
20.04.155 Cluster.
20.04.156 College.
20.04.159 College, trade.
20.04.162 Commerce.
20.04.165 Commercial classifications.
20.04.166 Commercial marijuana activity.
20.04.168 Commercial office.
20.04.171 Commission.
20.04.172 Community garden.
20.04.174 Condominium.
20.04.177 Condominium conversion.
20.04.180 Condominium units.
20.04.183 Contiguous.
20.04.186 Convalescent home.
20.04.189 Corner cutoff.
20.04.192 County recorder.
20.04.195 Court.
20.04.198 Court, apartment.
20.04.201 Court, enclosed.
20.04.204 Court, inner.
20.04.207 Court, outer.
20.04.210 Coverage.
20.04.213 Cul-de-sac.
20.04.216 Curve lot.
20.04.219 Dairy, drive-in.
20.04.222 Dairy farm.
20.04.225 Datum line.
20.04.228 Day nursery or child care nursery.
20.04.229 Density, dwelling unit.
20.04.231 Director of finance.
20.04.234 District.
20.04.237 Dormitory.
20.04.240 Drainage channel.
20.04.243 Driveway.
20.04.246 Dump.
20.04.249 Duplex.
20.04.252 Dwelling.
20.04.255 Dwelling group.
20.04.258 Dwelling, multiple.
20.04.261 Dwelling, one-family.
20.04.263 Dwelling, townhouse.
20.04.264 Dwelling, two-family.
20.04.267 Dwelling unit.
20.04.270 Easement.
20.04.273 Educational institutions.
20.04.275 Emergency shelter.
20.04.276 Engineer.
20.04.279 Explosives.
20.04.282 Family.
20.04.285 Feedlot or feed yard.
20.04.288 Federal.
20.04.291 Fence.
20.04.294 Filling station.
20.04.297 Flood-control channel.
20.04.300 Floor area.
20.04.301 Reserved.
20.04.302 Fortunetelling business.
20.04.303 Foster home.
20.04.306 Freeway.
20.04.307 Freight terminal.
20.04.309 Frontage.
20.04.312 Frontage street, service road, or outer highway.
20.04.315 Garage, common.
20.04.318 Garage, private.
20.04.321 Garage, public.
20.04.324 Garage, repair.
20.04.327 Garage, storage.
20.04.330 Garbage.
20.04.333 Golf course.
20.04.336 Grade.
20.04.339 Grade, finished.
20.04.342 Grade, natural.
20.04.345 Greenhouse.
20.04.346 Grocery store.
20.04.348 Group houses.
20.04.351 Guest.
20.04.354 Guest home.
20.04.357 Guesthouse.
20.04.360 Guest room.
20.04.361 Gymnastics academy.
20.04.363 Half story.
20.04.364 Hardscape.
20.04.365 Health club.
20.04.366 Hedge.
20.04.369 Height of building.
20.04.372 Heliport.
20.04.375 Highway setback line.
20.04.378 Hog ranch.
20.04.381 Home for the aged.
20.04.384 Home occupation.
20.04.387 Hospital.
20.04.390 Hospital, animal.
20.04.393 Hotel.
20.04.396 House court.
20.04.399 Household pet.
20.04.402 House trailer.
20.04.405 Industrial classifications.
20.04.408 Industry.
20.04.411 Intent and purpose.
20.04.414 Junk.
20.04.417 Junkyard.
20.04.420 Kennel.
20.04.423 Kitchen.
20.04.426 Landscaping and landscape materials.
20.04.427 Licensed group home.
20.04.429 Loading.
20.04.432 Loading space.
20.04.435 Local street or local highway.
20.04.438 Lodginghouse.
20.04.441 Lot.
20.04.444 Lot area.
20.04.447 Lot, corner.
20.04.450 Lot coverage.
20.04.453 Lot, cul-de-sac.
20.04.456 Lot, curve.
20.04.459 Lot depth.
20.04.462 Lot, flat.
20.04.465 Lot, interior.
20.04.468 Lot, key.
20.04.471 Lot line.
20.04.474 Lot line, front.
20.04.477 Lot line, rear.
20.04.480 Lot line, side.
20.04.483 Lot, nonconforming.
20.04.486 Lot of record.
20.04.489 Lot, reversed corner.
20.04.492 Lot, sloped.
20.04.495 Lot, through.
20.04.498 Lot width.
20.04.501 Major street or major highway.
20.04.502 Marijuana.
20.04.504 Marquee.
20.04.507 Medical office.
20.04.510 Medical or dental clinic.
20.04.513 Mental health facility.
20.04.516 Mobile home.
20.04.517 Model home.
20.04.519 Model studio.
20.04.522 Movie, drive-in.
20.04.525 Motel.
20.04.528 Nonconforming lot.
20.04.529 Nonconforming sign.
20.04.530 Nonconforming structure.
20.04.531 Nonconforming use.
20.04.534 Nursery school.
20.04.537 Nursing home.
20.04.540 Official plan lines.
20.04.543 Oil production.
20.04.546 Ordinance.
20.04.549 Outdoor advertising.
20.04.552 Parcel of land.
20.04.555 Parking area, private.
20.04.558 Parking area, public.
20.04.561 Parking area, residential.
20.04.564 Parking district.
20.04.567 Parking space, automobile.
20.04.570 Parking space, tandem.
20.04.572 Pay phones.
20.04.573 Patio covers.
20.04.574 Patio covers–Open trellis.
20.04.576 Petroleum bulk plant.
20.04.579 Pharmacy or prescription pharmacy.
20.04.582 Planned unit development.
20.04.585 Porte cochere.
20.04.588 Professional office.
20.04.591 Property line.
20.04.594 Provisions.
20.04.597 Quarry.
20.04.600 Quasi-public organizations.
20.04.603 Ramada.
20.04.606 Residence.
20.04.609 Restaurant.
20.04.612 Restaurant, drive-in.
20.04.615 Resthome or home for the aged.
20.04.618 Retail store.
20.04.621 Rezoning.
20.04.624 Road.
20.04.627 Room.
20.04.630 Roominghouse.
20.04.633 Sanitarium.
20.04.636 School, elementary, junior high, or high.
20.04.639 School, private.
20.04.642 School, trade.
20.04.645 Servants' quarters, separate.
20.04.648 Service station.
20.04.651 Setback line, front yard.
20.04.654 Setback line, highway.
20.04.657 Setback line, rear yard or side yard.
20.04.660 Sexual conduct.
20.04.663 Sign.
20.04.664 Single housekeeping unit.
20.04.665 Single room occupancy.
20.04.666 Site plan.
20.04.669 Site plan review.
20.04.672 Slope or sloping terrain.
20.04.675 Specified anatomical areas.
20.04.678 Stable.
20.04.681 Stand, temporary.
20.04.683 Reserved.
20.04.684 Story.
20.04.687 Story, one-half.
20.04.690 Street.
20.04.693 Street, centerline.
20.04.696 Street line.
20.04.699 Street, local.
20.04.702 Street, side.
20.04.705 Structural alteration.
20.04.708 Structure.
20.04.711 Structure, advertising.
20.04.714 Structure, temporary.
20.04.716 Suites lodging facility.
20.04.716.5 Supportive housing.
20.04.717 Swimming pool.
20.04.720 Tandem parking access.
20.04.721 Tattoo and/or body piercing studio.
20.04.723 Toe of slope.
20.04.726 Top of slope.
20.04.729 Tourist court.
20.04.732 Trading area.
20.04.741 Trailer court or trailer park.
20.04.744 Transitional housing.
20.04.750 Truck and trailer sales lot.
20.04.751 Trucking yard.
20.04.753 Urban lot.
20.04.756 Use.
20.04.759 Used.
20.04.762 Utility easement.
20.04.764 Vending machine.
20.04.765 Visual obstruction.
20.04.768 Wading pools.
20.04.771 Wall.
20.04.774 Wall, front.
20.04.777 Warehouse.
20.04.780 Wholesaling.
20.04.783 Yard.
20.04.786 Yard, front.
20.04.789 Yard, rear.
20.04.792 Yard, side.
20.04.795 Zone.
20.04.798 Zone map or zone plan.
20.04.801 Zoning district.
20.04.804 Zoning district, change of.
20.04.807 Zoning ordinance.
A. For the purpose of carrying out the intent of this title, words, phrases, and terms shall be deemed to have the meaning ascribed to them in this chapter.
B. When not inconsistent with the context, words used in the present tense include the future; words in the singular number include the plural and those in the plural include the singular; "or" includes "and," and "and" includes "or."
(Prior code §§ 19.08.005, 19.08.010 (Ord. 557 §§ 103, 104 (part), 1964))