20.26.010 Purpose.
20.26.020 Adoption of SP-23, Heritage Square Central Business District Specific Plan.
20.26.030 Applicability.
20.26.040 Use classifications.
20.26.050 Prohibited uses.
20.26.060 Development standards.
20.26.070 Off-street parking.
20.26.080 Vehicular and pedestrian access.
20.26.090 Trash, recyclables, and organic materials.
20.26.100 Landscape materials and turf replacement.
20.26.110 Sign standards.
20.26.120 Mechanical equipment.
20.26.130 Utilities, public facilities, and services.
A. The purpose and intent of this chapter is to guide the physical development of a particular geographic area within the city and to establish the mixed-use Heritage Square Central Business District Specific Plan, designated SP-23, on the official zoning map of the city. The preparation and adoption of a specific plan are authorized by Chapter 3 of Article 8 of the State Planning and Zoning Law. The Heritage Square Central Business District Specific Plan replaces the usual development otherwise applicable to the property under the previous zoning designations and serves as a basis for the city to consider and act upon a more detailed mixed-use development proposal. The Heritage Square Central Business District Specific Plan provides for an integrated mixed-use commercial and residential development consistent with general plan objectives, policies, and programs and aimed at creating an urban environment suitable for pedestrian activity, pedestrian and vehicular access, increased commercial opportunities, and increased, integrated housing of a variety of types. The combination of urban standards, building form, commercial and residential building design standards, are intended to generate a varied and engaging development which is centrally located and view-oriented, with an emphasis on outdoor commercial activities, a venue for socializing, shopping, and dining, with an ownership residential element.
(Ord. 2022-07-1537 § 4 (part), 2022)
A. The standards of this chapter shall be applicable to all development, redevelopment, expansions, and modifications of buildings and uses on all property shown on the official zoning map with the zoning designation of SP-23 Heritage Square Central Business District Specific Plan.
B. Site Plan and Design Review. SP-23 is intended to allow mixed-use commercial and residential development as a permitted use, to authorize the director of community development ("director") to allow other compatible permitted uses, and to establish development and design standards. However, project approval will require review by the planning commission of a site plan and design review application pursuant to Chapter 20.52 of the Signal Hill Municipal Code.
(Ord. 2022-07-1537 § 4 (part), 2022)