20.14.010 Purpose of district.
20.14.020 Use classifications.
20.14.030 Lot area and dimensions.
20.14.040 Building height.
20.14.050 Yards generally.
20.14.060 Required setbacks.
20.14.070 Fences, walls and hedges.
20.14.080 Lot coverage by building.
20.14.090 Off-street parking.
20.14.095 Required transportation-related improvements.
20.14.110 Off-street loading.
20.14.120 Trash storage and recyclable materials enclosures.
20.14.130 Permitted projections into required yards.
20.14.140 Modifications of standards for restrictions on use.
20.14.150 General provisions.
The PI public institutional district shall have the following purposes:
The PI public institutional district is intended to provide for orderly establishment of public institutions such as governmental buildings, police stations, fire stations and schools. It is also intended to allow the expansion of operations or improvement of facilities on lands owned, leased or otherwise controlled by governmental agencies.
(Ord. 2008-07-1381 § 1 (part))
The uses stated below shall be classified and authorized in the public institutional district as shown on the table. Unlisted uses shall be prohibited.
Public Institutional | |
Uses | Districts |
Public Institutional | |
Uses | Districts |
Cafeteria | A |
Fire station | P |
Governmental office | P |
Lunchroom | A |
Museums | P |
Oil well | C |
Outdoor advertising structure | C |
Paramedic station | P |
Public library | P |
Public school | P |
Public utility substation | C |
Radio and television antenna | A |
Restroom | A |
Satellite dish (A) | A |
Senior citizen housing (B) | C |
War memorial | P |
Water reservoir | P |
P - Permitted use
C - Conditional use permit required
A - Accessory use
X - Prohibited
Footnotes for Chart of Permitted Public Institutional Uses
A. 1. Shall not be located in any required setback.
2. Where determined by the director of planning to be feasible, antennas shall be mounted on the ground.
3. No ground-mounted antenna shall exceed twenty-five feet in height above grade. Antennas shall be screened by landscaping or fencing to the extent feasible, for the purpose of minimizing visibility from adjoining streets and properties.
4. No antenna shall be of a bright, shiny, or glare reflective finish or color.
B. Housing exclusively for residents sixty-two years of age or older other than residential care facilities, convalescent homes and rest homes, shall be subject to the RH development standards, except that only one parking space per unit shall be required plus one guest space for each ten units and a maximum of forty percent lot coverage by buildings or structures.
(Ord. 2018-01-1499 § 3; Ord. 2008-07-1381 § 1 (part))