For the orderly development of the city, and to carry out the provisions of this title, the city is divided into the following districts:
Symbol District Name
RL Residential low density
RLM-1 Residential low/medium-1
RLM-2 Residential low/medium-2
RM Residential medium density
RH Residential high density
CG Commercial general
CTC Commercial Town Center
CO Commercial office
CI Commercial industrial
CR Commercial residential
LI Light industrial
GI General industrial
SP-1 Town Center specific plan district
SP-2 Hilltop specific plan district
SP-3 Town Center West specific plan district
LO Landscape overlay
PD-1 Planned development area 1
PD-2 Planned development area 2
OS Open space district
(Amended during 8/89 supplement; Ord. 87-12-1000 § 1: Ord. 87-11-998 § 2: Ord. 87-02-987 § 1: Ord. 86-03-969 § 1: Ord. 84-11-936 § 3; Ord. 83-06-905 § 4; Ord. 83-02-902 § 3; prior code § 19.12.010 (Ord. 557 § 201, 1964))
The boundaries of the various districts are shown upon a map designated as the "Official Zone Map, Signal Hill, California," dated March 16, 1988, consisting of one map on file at the city hall, which map is adopted and made a part of this title, and said map and all notations, references, and other information shown thereon shall be as much a part of this title as if the matters and information set forth by the map were all duly described in this title.
(Ord. 87- 12-1000 § 2; Ord. 87-11-998 § 5; Ord. 87-02-987 § 9; prior code § 19.12.020(A) (Ord. 582 § 1(2), 1965; Ord. 557 § 202(A), 1964))