Chapter 20.06
   20.06.010   Districts and symbols designated.
   20.06.020   Map–Adopted.
   20.06.030   Map–Filing.
   20.06.040   Map–Amendments.
   20.06.050   District boundary determination.
   20.06.060   Zoning annexed areas.
20.06.010   Districts and symbols designated.
   For the orderly development of the city, and to carry out the provisions of this title, the city is divided into the following districts:
   Symbol   District Name
   RL      Residential low density
   RLM-1      Residential low/medium-1
   RLM-2      Residential low/medium-2
   RM      Residential medium density
   RH      Residential high density
   CG      Commercial general
   CTC      Commercial Town Center
   CO      Commercial office
   CI      Commercial industrial
   CR      Commercial residential
   LI      Light industrial
   GI      General industrial
   SP-1      Town Center specific plan district
   SP-2      Hilltop specific plan district
   SP-3      Town Center West specific plan district
   LO      Landscape overlay
   PD-1      Planned development area 1
   PD-2      Planned development area 2
   OS      Open space district
(Amended during 8/89 supplement; Ord. 87-12-1000 § 1: Ord. 87-11-998 § 2: Ord. 87-02-987 § 1: Ord. 86-03-969 § 1: Ord. 84-11-936 § 3; Ord. 83-06-905 § 4; Ord. 83-02-902 § 3; prior code § 19.12.010 (Ord. 557 § 201, 1964))
20.06.020   Map–Adopted.
   The boundaries of the various districts are shown upon a map designated as the "Official Zone Map, Signal Hill, California," dated March 16, 1988, consisting of one map on file at the city hall, which map is adopted and made a part of this title, and said map and all notations, references, and other information shown thereon shall be as much a part of this title as if the matters and information set forth by the map were all duly described in this title.
(Ord. 87- 12-1000 § 2; Ord. 87-11-998 § 5; Ord. 87-02-987 § 9; prior code § 19.12.020(A) (Ord. 582 § 1(2), 1965; Ord. 557 § 202(A), 1964))