A. The purpose of this chapter is to establish a specific plan to guide the physical development of that portion of the city designated as SP-9, Bixby Ridge specific plan district, on the official zoning map of the city of Signal Hill.
B. Goals and objectives for the development of the Bixby Ridge development plan include the following:
1. Maintain and preserve a natural appearance to graded hillsides along the east flank of the hill;
2. Maintain and enhance public access and public viewing opportunities along the east flank of the hill;
3. Provide varied building elevations, exterior materials and colors and street side landscaping to provide a distinct "small-town" neighborhood character;
4. Ensure continued access to oil resources as well as adequate separation between oil activities and other uses;
5. Provide for the extension of public infrastructure such as streets, water lines, sewers, parks, trails and open space adequate in size and type to serve development within the Bixby Ridge specific plan area.
(Ord. 97-11-1224 § 1 (part))
The text of the Bixby Ridge specific plan, June, 1997, is incorporated into this chapter by reference. The provision found in the Bixby Ridge specific plan shall apply to all property shown within SP-9 Bixby Ridge specific plan district, on the official zoning map of the city of Signal Hill.
(Ord. 97-11-1224 § 1 (part))