20.04.474   Lot line, front.
   "Front lot line" means the property line abutting a street. The special standards of Section 20.66.170 shall apply.
(Prior code § 19.08.605 (Ord. 557 § 105(L) (part), 1964))
20.04.477   Lot line, rear.
   "Rear lot line" means a lot line, not abutting a street, which is opposite and most distant from the front lot line. The special standards of Section 20.68.150 shall apply.
(Prior code § 19.08.608 (Ord. 557 § 105(L) (part), 1964))
20.04.480   Lot line, side.
   "Side lot line" means any lot line not a front lot line or rear lot line. The special standards of Section 20.68.160 shall apply.
(Prior code § 19.08.610 (Ord. 557 § 105(L) (part), 1964))
20.04.483   Lot, nonconforming.
   "Nonconforming lot" means a parcel of land having less area than that required in the district in which it is located.
(Prior code § 19.08.600 (Ord. 557 § 105(L) (part), 1964))
20.04.486   Lot of record.
   "Lot of record" means a lot held in separate ownership as shown on the records of the county recorder at the time of the passage of an ordinance or regulation establishing the zoning district in which the lot is located.
(Prior code § 19.08.622 (Ord. 557 § 105(L) (part), 1964))
20.04.489   Lot, reversed corner.
   "Reversed corner lot" means a corner lot, the side line of which is substantially a continuation of the front lot lines of the lots to its rear, whether across an alley or not.
(Prior code § 19.08.588 (Ord. 557 § 105(L) (part), 1964))
20.04.492   Lot, sloped.
   "Sloped lot" means any lot with a slope of ten percent or more, as calculated from the high and low points from the front property line to the rear property line.
(Ord. 70-1-636 § 5: prior code § 19.08.612)