Chapter 20.51
   20.51.010   Purpose and applicability of regulations.
   20.51.020   Tennis court fencing requirements.
   20.51.030   Tennis court use restriction.
   20.51.040   Landscaping and screening.
   20.51.050   Artificial illumination.
20.51.010   Purpose and applicability of regulations.
   A.   Purpose. The purpose of these provisions is to provide an opportunity for development of tennis and similar recreational courts as accessory uses in residential districts, to protect the integrity of neighboring residential areas, and to mitigate any deleterious impacts on proximate properties.
   B.   Applicability. Tennis courts and similar recreational courts may be developed as accessory uses in residential districts when such courts are located on the same lot as the main residential use subject to the provisions of this chapter.
(Ord. 79-10-831 § 2 (part): prior code § 19.52.700)
20.51.020   Tennis court fencing requirements.
   A.   Fences up to ten feet in height, as measured from the finished grade outside the court, shall be permitted, when located behind the required setback areas.
   B.   For court fencing located at least twenty-five feet from all property lines, a fence height of twelve feet shall be allowed.
   C.   All portions of fencing exceeding six feet in height shall be of an open mesh such as chain link.
   D.   Windscreens and similar devices shall be prohibited above the six-foot height.
(Ord. 79-10-831 § 2 (part): prior code § 19.52.710)