"Fence" means any structural device forming a physical barrier which is so constructed that not less than fifty percent of the vertical surface is open to permit the transmission of light, air, and vision through the surface in a horizontal plane. (For board or other solid barriers, see Section 20.04.771.) The special standards of Section 20.68.110 shall apply.
(Prior code § 19.08.465 (Ord. 557 § 105(F) (part), 1964))
Wherever "floor area" is used in this title as a basis for requiring off-street parking for any structure, it shall be assumed that, unless otherwise stated, said floor area applies not only to the groundfloor area but also to any additional stories or basement of said structure. All horizontal dimensions shall be taken from the exterior faces of walls, including enclosed porches.
(Prior code § 19.08.472 (Ord. 557 § 105(F) (part), 1964))
"Fortunetelling business" means the acts of prophesying or predicting future events or happenings affecting the personal life of another, or the furnishing of any information not otherwise obtainable by the ordinary process of knowledge gained through scientific methods, through the use of any occult or psychic power, faculty or force; clairvoyance; clairaudience; psychometry; phrenology; spirits; mediumship; seership; augury; astrology; palmistry, necromancy; mind reading; telepathy; art; cards; talisman; charm; potion; magnetism; magnetized article or substance; crystal gazing; spirit photography, writing, voices or materialization; etherialization; mysteries; or magic of any kind or nature, when such acts are carried on for compensation or consideration of any kind or nature; provided, that "fortunetelling business" does not include entertainment activities held in a public place and pursuant to which demonstrations of mind reading, mental telepathy, thought conveyance, or horoscopic readings are made in the presence of and within the hearing of a group of persons; provided, that no questions are answered as a part of such demonstrations except in such a manner as to permit all persons present at the public place to hear the answers, career counseling, the practice of law, journalism, psychiatry, or the buying and selling of securities.
(Ord. 2011-09-1432 § 2, 2011; Ord. 86-08-978 § 1 (part))
"Foster home" means any building or facility which provides care for children or ambulatory, aged persons and includes child care nurseries, day nurseries, nursery schools, rest homes, homes for the aged or infirm, and any other uses similar thereto. The special standards of Section 20.68.050 shall apply.
(Ord. 68-10-629 § 2: prior code § 19.08.473)
"Freeway" means a highway, including ingress and egress ramps and roadways, in respect to which the owners of abutting lands have no right or easement of access to or from their abutting lands or in respect to which such owners have only limited or restricted right or easement of access, and which is declared to be a freeway in compliance with the Streets and Highways Code of the State of California, or is officially declared to be such by the city.
(Prior code § 19.08.475 (Ord. 557 § 105(F) (part), 1964))