20.04.111   Building site.
   "Building site" means the ground area of a building, together with all the open space required by this title.
(Prior code § 19.08.255 (Ord. 557 § 105(B) (part), 1964))
20.04.114   Building, temporary.
   "Temporary building" means the same as "temporary structure."
(Prior code § 19.08.260 (Ord. 557 § 105(B) (part), 1964))
20.04.117   Building unit group.
   "Building unit group" means two or more buildings grouped on a lot.
(Prior code § 19.08.265 (Ord. 557 § 105(B) (part), 1964))
20.04.120   Bungalow court.
   "Bungalow court" means a group of two or more detached buildings used or intended to be used as one-family or two-family (duplex) dwelling, located on a single lot, together with all of the open spaces required by this title, but not including tourist courts, motor courts, or motels, or any other commercial uses.
(Prior code § 19.08.270 (Ord. 557 § 105(B) (part), 1964))
20.04.123   Business.
   "Business" means the same as "commerce."
(Prior code § 19.08.275 (Ord. 557 § 105(B) (part), 1964))
20.04.126   Cabana.
   "Cabana" means any portable, demountable, or permanent cabin, small house, room, enclosure, or other building or structure erected, constructed, or placed on any trailer park site within six feet of any house trailer on the same site in a trailer park and used for human habitation; but said structure shall not be used for sleeping purposes. The special standards of Section 20.68.040 shall apply.
(Prior code § 19.08.280 (Ord. 557 § 105(C) (part), 1964))
20.04.128   Caretaker's residence.
   "Caretaker's residence" means the dwelling place attached to a business and occupied by the business owner, manager, or person hired to take care of the business. A caretaker's residence is subordinate to and its use incidental to that of the main use on the same property.
(Ord. 81-5-870 § 2)