20.52.010 Generally.
20.52.020 Purposes of provisions.
20.52.030 Review procedures.
20.52.040 Application and submission of site plan.
20.52.050 Findings and standard of review.
20.52.060 Expiration and revision.
20.52.070 Required dedications and improvements.
20.52.080 Building permit prerequisites.
20.52.085 Construction time limits - Construction site security and screening.
20.52.090 Notice of permit issuance.
20.52.100 Construction time limits - Time to complete.
20.52.110 Construction time limits - Extensions.
20.52.120 Construction time limits - No continuance of work until new site plan and permit approved.
20.52.130 Construction time limits - Penalties and abatement.
* Prior ordinance history: Ords. 82-6-892 and 85-09-955.
No person shall construct any building or structure or make structural and physical improvements, additions, extensions and/or exterior alterations, and no permit shall be issued for each construction until the site plan and design has been submitted to, reviewed by, and approved in accordance with this chapter. The property may only be developed, used and maintained in accordance with the approved site plan and design review.
(Ord. 91-09- 1112 (part): Ord. 90-05-1067 § 1 (part))
A. General. The purpose of site plan and design review is to ensure that proposed development is in conformity with the intent and provisions of this title and to guide city departments in the issuance of permits. In addition, it is the purpose of this chapter to ensure that proposed development relates to the topography, and to prevent excessive similarity, dissimilarity or inappropriateness in building design and appearance in relation to present and proposed buildings and structures, because such would adversely affect the development, use, occupancy, health, safety and welfare of surrounding areas for residential, commercial or industrial uses or purposes, and by so doing, impair the benefits of occupancy of existing property in such areas; such would impair the stability and value of both improved and unimproved real property in such areas and prevent appropriate development of such areas.
B. Redevelopment Approval. An additional purpose of this chapter is to provide a means of regulation and control of construction of all new improvements and the substantial modification, alteration, repair or rehabilitation of existing improvements, within any Signal Hill redevelopment project area adopted by the redevelopment agency and the city council pursuant to the community redevelopment law of the state, as well as all amendments thereto. Under the provisions of community redevelopment law, the height of buildings, and land coverage, building, utility, landscaping, signs and design criteria, traffic circulation, traffic access and other development and design controls for proper development of both public and private areas within a project as may be established by the agency. Within any project area, no new improvements shall be constructed and no existing improvements shall be substantially modified, altered, repaired or rehabilitated except in accordance with plans submitted to and approved by the agency. In addition, all development in any project area shall comply with all applicable state and local laws, codes and ordinances in effect from time to time, including the zoning ordinance, and, in addition, any requirement of the redevelopment agency imposed from time to time by or pursuant to any redevelopment plan. It shall be a purpose and function of site plan and design review to review and pass on all such new improvements or substantial modification, alteration, repair or rehabilitation of any existing improvements within any redevelopment project area, in accordance with the approved redevelopment plan, as well as all applicable state and local laws, codes and ordinances in effect from time to time, the zoning ordinance, and, in addition, any requirement of the redevelopment agency imposed by or pursuant to community redevelopment law. Therefore, no building permit or occupancy permit can be issued for construction or occupancy of any new improvement or any modification, alteration, repair or rehabilitation of an existing improvement within the project area until the application for such a permit has been found by the agency to be consistent with the redevelopment plan.
C. In addition, pursuant to community redevelopment law, the redevelopment agency may require the owner or purchaser of the property to enter into an agreement, in which such owner or purchaser shall agree to the imposition of such restrictions as are necessary to carry out any redevelopment plan. The redevelopment agency may require such an agreement as a condition to the issuance of a building permit. In those cases where such an agreement is made and entered into, the purpose of site plan and design review shall be to ascertain compliance with the agreement.
(Ord. 91-09-1112 (part): Ord. 90-05-1067 § 1 (part))