20.16.010 Purpose.
20.16.020 Permitted uses.
20.16.030 Temporary uses.
20.16.040 Uses permitted subject to conditional use permit.
20.16.050 Prohibited uses.
20.16.060 Development standards.
20.16.070 Density.
20.16.080 Building height.
20.16.090 Elevations.
20.16.100 Building spacing.
20.16.105 Floor area ratio.
20.16.110 Fences, hedges and walls.
20.16.120 Off-street parking.
20.16.130 Vehicular and pedestrian access.
20.16.140 Signs.
20.16.150 Other development standards.
20.16.160 Site plan review and special findings.
20.16.170 Single-family detached dwelling units.
The purpose of this chapter is to establish to planned development district 2 for the northeast flank of the Hill which is generally bounded by Combellack Drive, the extension of Junipero Avenue to Burnett Street, Panorama Drive, Temple Avenue, Hill Street and Hathaway Avenue and which is described in the land use element of the general plan and on the official zoning map of the city as an area allowing only low density residential development in order to ensure that the special environmental constraints and opportunities of the property therein will be addressed and the property developed and improved.
(Ord. 87- 02-987 § 5 (part); Ord. 86-03-969 § 5 (part), 1986)
A. The following uses shall be permitted in the PD-2 district, plus such other uses as the commission may, pursuant to Chapter 20.60, deem to be consistent with the uses for very low density residential areas subject to unusual environmental constraints and opportunities set forth in the general plan:
1. Conventional single-family units, patio homes, attached or detached single-family units with zero lot lines, duplexes, and multiple-family units in clusters of four to six townhouses;
2. Accessory buildings, including automobile garages;
3. Private greenhouses and horticultural collections; flower and vegetable gardens;
4. Home occupations, subject to the provisions of Section 20.04.384;
5. Signs, subject to the provisions of Subject 20.22.140;
6. Parks and publicly owned open space or recreational facilities;
7. Private noncommercial recreational facilities serving residents of a project.
(Ord. 87-02- 987 § 5 (part); Ord. 86-03-969 § 5 (part), 1986)