Chapter 20.41
I. Area One
   20.41.010   Purpose.
   20.41.020   Adoption of SP-7, special purpose housing specific plan.
   20.41.030   Use classifications.
   20.41.040   Dwelling unit density.
   20.41.050   Development standards.
   20.41.060   Building height.
   20.41.070   Required setbacks.
   20.41.080   Yard requirements.
   20.41.085   Landscape materials and turf replacement.
   20.41.090   Open space.
   20.41.100   Permitted projections into required yards.
   20.41.110   Fences, walls and hedges.
   20.41.120   Off-street parking.
   20.41.130   Trash and recycling storage area.
   20.41.140   Signs.
   20.41.150   Mechanical equipment.
   20.41.160   Utilities, public facilities and services.
II. Area Two
   20.41.170   Purpose.
   20.41.180   Adoption of SP-7, special purpose housing specific plan.
   20.41.190   Use classifications.
   20.41.200   Dwelling unit density.
   20.41.210   Development standards.
   20.41.220   Building height.
   20.41.230   Required setbacks.
   20.41.240   Yard requirements.
   20.41.245   Landscape materials and turf replacement.
   20.41.250   Permitted projections into required yards.
   20.41.260   Fences, walls and hedges.
   20.41.270   Off-street parking.
   20.41.280   Trash and recycling storage area.
   20.41.290   Signs.
   20.41.300   Mechanical equipment.
   20.41.310   Utilities, public facilities and services.
   20.41.320   Model home complex.
III. Reserved
IV. Area Four
   20.41.560    Purpose.
   20.41.570    Adoption of SP-7, special purpose housing specific plan.
   20.41.580    Use classifications.
   20.41.590    Dwelling unit density.
   20.41.600    Development standards.
   20.41.610    Building height.
   20.41.620    Required setbacks.
   20.41.630    Yard requirements.
   20.41.635   Landscape materials and turf replacement.
   20.41.640    Open space.
   20.41.650    Permitted projections into required yards.
   20.41.660    Fences, walls and hedges.
   20.41.670    Off-street parking.
   20.41.680    Trash and recycling storage area.
   20.41.690    Signs.
   20.41.700    Mechanical equipment.
   20.41.710    Utilities, public facilities and services.
V. Area Five
   20.41.800     Purpose.
   20.41.810     Adoption of SP-7, Special Purpose Housing Specific Plan Area 5.
   20.41.820     Use Classifications.
   20.41.830     Dwelling unit density.
   20.41.840     Development standards.
   20.41.850     Building height.
   20.41.860     Required setbacks.
   20.41.865   Landscape materials and turf replacement.
   20.41.870     Fences, walls and hedges.
   20.41.880     Off-street parking.
   20.41.890     Trash and recycling storage area.
   20.41.900     Signs.
   20.41.910     Mechanical equipment.
   20.41.920     Utilities, public facilities and services.
VI. Area Six
   20.41.925   Purpose.
   20.41.930   Adoption of SP-7, Special Purpose Housing Specific Plan Area 6.
   20.41.935   Use classifications.
   20.41.940   Dwelling unit density.
   20.41.945   Development standards.
   20.41.950   Building height.
   20.41.952    Landscape materials and turf replacement.
   20.41.955   Required setbacks.
   20.41.960   Fences, walls and hedges.
   20.41.965   Off-street parking.
   20.41.970   Trash and recycling storage area.
   20.41.975   Signs.
   20.41.980   Mechanical equipment.
   20.41.985   Utilities, public facilities and services.
VII. Area Seven (Walnut Bluff)
   20.41.1000   Purpose.
   20.41.1005   Adoption of SP-7 Special Purpose Housing Specific Plan Area VII.
   20.41.1010   Applicability.
   20.41.1015   Use classifications.
   20.41.1020   Dwelling unit density.
   20.41.1025   General development standards.
   20.41.1030   Building height.
   20.41.1035   Required setbacks.
   20.41.1040   Lighting.
   20.41.1045   Landscape materials and turf replacement.
   20.41.1050   Open space.
   20.41.1055   Fences, walls, and hedges.
   20.41.1060   Off-street parking.
   20.41.1065   Vehicular and pedestrian access.
   20.41.1070   Trash, recyclables, and organic materials.
   20.41.1075   Signs.
   20.41.1080   Mechanical equipment.
   20.41.1085   Utilities, public facilities and services.
VIII. Area Eight (Orange Bluff)
   20.41.1100   Purpose.
   20.41.1105   Adoption of SP-7, Special Purpose Housing Specific Plan Area 8.
   20.41.1110   Applicability.
   20.41.1115   Use classifications.
   20.41.1120   Dwelling unit density.
   20.41.1125   General development standards.
   20.41.1130   Building height.
   20.41.1135   Required setbacks.
   20.41.1140   Lighting.
   20.41.1145   Landscape materials and turf replacement.
   20.41.1150   Open space.
   20.41.1155   Fences, walls, and hedges.
   20.41.1160   Off-street parking.
   20.41.1165   Vehicular and pedestrian access.
   20.41.1170   Trash, recyclables, and organic materials.
   20.41.1175   Sign standards.
   20.41.1180   Mechanical equipment.
   20.41.1185   Utilities, public facilities and services.
I. Area One