20.58.010 Purpose.
20.58.020 Permits required.
20.58.030 Sign permit procedures.
20.58.040 Required findings.
20.58.050 Definitions.
20.58.060 Signs in residential districts.
20.58.070 Signs in commercial and industrial districts.
20.58.080 Temporary signs.
20.58.090 Outdoor advertising structures.
20.58.100 Reserved.
20.58.110 Signs in public right-of-way.
20.58.120 Exempt signs.
20.58.130 Prohibited signs.
20.58.140 General conditions.
20.58.150 Enforcement--Removal of signs.
* Prior ordinance history: Ord. 87-08-993.
A. The purpose of this chapter is to regulate signs as to their design, location, number, and construction in order to provide a forum for dissemination of information consistent with local land uses, as well as establishing aesthetic traffic and safety standards for the preservation and maintenance of the public health, safety and welfare of the citizens of the city, and also to assist in providing necessary public services, particularly emergency services.
B. The following sign regulations are intended to promote, preserve and maintain the public health, safety and welfare by:
1. Regulating the number and size of signs according to standards consistent with the types of establishments operating in each zoning district.
2. Maintaining and enhancing the quality of the city’s appearance by avoiding sign clutter and encouraging the coordination of signage on multiuse/multitenant sites.
3. Providing each sign user an opportunity for effective identification by allowing sufficient sign area and number of signs without visually dominating the site.
4. Establishing procedures for the submittal and processing of sign plans in a timely, organized manner.
5. Establishing procedures for the enforcement of sign regulations and removal of illegal signs. (Ord. 2024-06-1549 § 5 (part); Ord. 93-10-1169 § 2 (part))
The following permit requirements shall apply to all signs:
A. Except as otherwise provided in this chapter, no sign shall be painted, erected, installed, constructed, relocated, replaced or altered except as provided by this chapter and until a sign permit has been issued by the Community Development Department.
B. Where signs are to be illuminated in any manner, a separate electrical permit issued by the building department shall be obtained. (Ord. 2024-06-1549 § 5 (part); Ord. 93-10-1169 § 2 (part))
The following procedures shall apply to anyone wishing to paint, erect, install, construct, relocate, replace or alter any sign for which, under this chapter, a sign permit is required:
A. All sign plans shall be treated as a site plan and design review application and shall be processed in uniformity with the provisions of Chapter 20.52, Site Plan and Design Review, including those for notice and warning, except as otherwise provided in this chapter.
B. The approving body of a sign plan application shall be as follows:
1. Review by the Planning Commission and City Council. For any development project requiring a conditional use permit from the planning commission and city council in accordance with Chapter 20.64, a sign plan or comprehensive sign program, if required pursuant to Section 20.58.070(A), shall be reviewed and approved, conditionally approved or denied by such bodies in conjunction with consideration of the conditional use permit application. Modification(s) to any sign plan or comprehensive sign program approved or conditionally approved under this subsection shall be reviewed and approved, conditionally approved or denied by the planning commission. If the planning commission approves or conditionally approves the modification, a city council hearing shall be scheduled in accordance with Section 20.64.080.
2. Review by the Planning Commission. For any development project requiring a site plan and design review approval by the planning commission in accordance with Chapter 20.52, a sign plan or comprehensive sign program, if required pursuant to Section 20.58.070(A), shall be reviewed and approved, conditionally approved or denied by the planning commission in conjunction with consideration of the site plan and design review application. Modification(s) to any sign plan or comprehensive sign program reviewed and approved or conditionally approved under this subsection shall be reviewed and approved, conditionally approved or denied by the planning commission.
3. Review by the Community Development Director. For any other development project not subject to subdivisions 1 and 2 of this subsection, for the installation of new signs or modification of existing signs not involving a development project, or for the installation of new signs or modification of existing signs at a project with an approved comprehensive sign program, the sign plan shall be reviewed and approved, conditionally approved or denied by the community development director or the director’s designated representative.
4. Appeals. Appeals shall be subject to the procedures contained in Chapter 20.52, Site Plan and Design Review, except that a sign plan or comprehensive sign program in conjunction with a conditional use permit application shall be subject to the appeal procedures of Chapter 20.64.
C. Application and submittal requirements for a sign plan application shall be as follows:
1. Review by the Community Development Director. The applicant shall submit a completed building permit application form provided by the community development department, and electronic plans containing the information required under Subsection D of this section.
2. Review by the Planning Commission and/or City Council. The applicant shall submit a completed building permit application and a completed application worksheet on forms provided by the community development department. The applicant shall also submit electronic plans containing the information required under Subsection D of this section.
D. A sign plan or comprehensive sign program shall include the following information:
1. Fully dimensioned and scaled site plan, including the following:
a. Name, address and phone number of applicant, property owner and architect/designer;
b. The correct legal description, including the assessor’s parcel number;
c. Lot dimensions;
d. Footprints of all buildings and structures on-site including the location of entrance doors to the structures;
e. Off-street parking areas, driveways and curb cuts;
f. Names and locations of adjacent streets; and
g. Location of all existing and proposed signs.
2. Fully dimensioned and scaled building or wall elevation(s) showing any proposed building or wall sign(s), including the following:
a. Linear distance of business frontage (for sign plans) or building frontage (for comprehensive sign programs);
b. Location of all windows and doors;
c. Height of building; and
d. Location and dimensions of sign(s).
3. Fully dimensioned and scaled detail of proposed sign(s), including the following:
a. Total sign area including total square footage calculation(s);
b. Colors and materials for all portions of the sign and sign copy;
c. Actual sign copy (if known);
d. Letter style and height;
e. Logo detail (if any);
f. Lighting details including electrical plans (if any);
g. Structural details and calculations (if required); and
h. Mounting details.
4. Any other information pertinent to the application as may be required by the community development director or approving body.
E. The community development department shall collect fees as such as the city council may by resolution establish from time to time. (Ord. 2024-06-1549 § 5 (part); Ord. 93-10-1169 § 2 (part))