20.40.010 Purpose.
20.40.020 Adoption of SP-1 town center east.
20.40.030 Location and boundaries.
20.40.040 Use classifications.
20.40.050 Design criteria.
20.40.060 Building height.
20.40.070 Required yards and setbacks.
20.40.072 Landscape materials and turf replacement.
20.40.075 Required transportation-related improvements.
20.40.080 Parking areas.
20.40.090 Off-street loading.
20.40.100 Lighting.
20.40.110 Trash storage and recyclable materials enclosures.
20.40.120 Signs.
20.40.130 Mechanical equipment.
20.40.140 Implementation.
20.40.150 Infrastructure.
20.40.160 Open space.
20.40.170 Resources protection.
20.40.180 Relationship to general plan.
The propose of this chapter is to guide the physical development of various commercial retail facilities which together are known as the town center east. Architectural, site plan and landscape designs shall contribute to a sense of unity among individual retail uses. The goal shall be a strong, visual identity for the Signal Hill town center east.
Additional goals include the following:
A. To maximize retail use of the site for the purpose of providing convenient shopping and for the purpose of providing sales tax revenues to the city;
B. To provide an area for the development of retail and related uses which are compatible with one another and with existing or planned adjacent uses;
C. To develop standards to encourage quality design and construction;
D. To achieve a cohesiveness in design through concepts so as to suggest an identity for the site as well as for the city; and
E. To provide a circulation system designed to accommodate both automobile and alternative transportation.
(Ord. 93-03-1152 § 8 (part): Ord. 91-07-1105 § 1 (part))