20.86.010 Application of provisions.
20.86.020 Initiation of proceedings.
20.86.030 Application form and contents.
20.86.040 Filing fee.
20.86.050 Investigation.
20.86.060 Commission hearing--Date and notice.
20.86.070 Commission hearing--Procedure and decision.
20.86.080 Council decision.
20.86.090 Appeals to council.
20.86.100 Reapplication.
20.86.110 Appeals of council decisions.
An amendment to this title which changes any property from one district to another or imposes any regulation not heretofore imposed or removes or modifies any such regulations heretofore imposed shall be initiated and adopted by the procedure set forth in this chapter, except that any amendment to this title which does not make such a change or imposition may be initiated and adopted as other ordinances are initiated and adopted.
(Prior code § 19.88.010 (Ord. 557 § 408 (part), 1964))