A. The purpose of this chapter is to establish a hilltop area specific plan district to guide the orderly development of that portion of the city which is designated SP-2 on the official zoning map of the city. The preparation and adoption of a specific plan are authorized by Chapter 3, Article 8 of the State Planning and Zoning Law. The hilltop area specific plan replaces the usual development standards otherwise applicable to property within the SP-2 district, and serves as a basis for the city to consider and act upon more detailed development proposals submitted by landowners and developers.
B. The hilltop area specific plan provides for the highest quality residential development. This chapter will implement the city's general plan objectives, policies and programs as they pertain to the SP-2 area, and establish consistency between the general plan and zoning ordinance.
(Ord. 92-02-1114 § 2 (part))
There is adopted by the hilltop area specific plan, the text of which is set forth in the document entitled "Hilltop Area Specific Plan, 1993," incorporated in this chapter by reference. The provisions of this chapter shall apply to all property shown on the official zoning map within SP-2, hilltop area specific plan district.
(Ord. 93- 08-1163 § 1: Ord. 92-02-1114 § 2 (part))