General Provisions
   30.001   Village elections; inauguration ; commencement of terms
   30.002   Sureties on bonds
   30.003   Village office hours
   30.004   Personnel policy manual
   30.005   Scope of chapter
   30.006   Appointments; terms; vacancies
   30.007   Duty of officers to make monthly deliveries of receipts, reports and the like to the Village Treasurer
   30.008   Oath of officers
   30.009   Compensation
   30.010   Reserved
   30.011   Reserved
   30.012   Holidays
   30.013   Inspection of records
   30.014   Surrendering of Village property upon termination
   30.015   Impersonation
   30.016   Interference
   30.017   Administrative procedures for compliance with the Fair Labor Standards Act
   30.018   Reserved
   30.019   Reserved
   30.020   Compensation while on reserve military duties
   30.021   Compensation while on jury duty
   30.022   Reserved
   30.023   Reserved
   30.024   State Officials and Employees Ethics Act adopted
Village President
   30.030   Election; term
   30.031   Duties; generally
   30.032   Bond; oath
   30.033   Compensation
   30.034   President Pro Tem
   30.035   Emergency powers
Village Clerk
   30.040   Election; term
   30.041   Bond
   30.042   Compensation
   30.043   Duties, generally
   30.044   Signatures
   30.045   Money received
   30.046   Accounts
   30.047   Records
   30.048   Seal
   30.049   Documents
   30.050   Indices
   30.051   Vacancies
   30.052   Deputy Clerk
Corporation Counsel
   30.060   Office established; appointment
   30.061   Duties
Village Treasurer
   30.070   Office established; appointment; term
   30.071   Bond
   30.072   Duties, generally
   30.073   Deposits of funds; limitations
   30.074   Records
   30.075   Accounting
   30.076   Handling of special assessment funds
   30.077   Transfer of funds, drawing of warrants
   30.078   Compensation
Village Collector
   30.080   Office established; appointment
   30.081   Duties of the Village Collector
   30.082   Automatic removal from office
   30.083   Examination/audit
Village Comptroller/Village Manager
   30.090   Office established
   30.091   Appointment; Comptroller Pro Tem
   30.092   Term
   30.093   Bond; oath
   30.094   Compensation
   30.095   Powers and duties as fiscal agent
   30.096   Village management
Department of Community Development
   30.105   Department created
   30.106   Director of Community Development
   30.107   Duties
   30.108   Definitions
Plumbing Inspector
   30.140   Office established
   30.141   Powers
   30.142   Inspections
   30.143   Report to the Building Official
Advisor to the Mayor on Airport Noise
   30.190   Position established
Director of Streets, Sanitation, and Water
   30.200   Office created
   30.201   Duties
Building Division
   30.225   Division established
   30.226   Building Official; Code Official; appointment
   30.227   Duties of the Building Official
   30.228   Powers of the Building Official
   30.229   Office of Food Sanitarian established
   30.230   Definitions
Village Privacy Officer
   30.240   Office established; appointment
   30.241   Compensation
   30.242   Duties of the Privacy Officer