(A)   In addition to the duties listed in § 30.095, the Village Comptroller/Manager shall perform the other duties that are herein provided:
      (1)   The Comptroller/Manager shall be the chief administrative officer of the Village and shall be responsible to the Village President and to the Board of Trustees for the management and operation of all of the affairs and the departments of the Village. As that administrative officer, he or she shall have the management and control of all matters and things pertaining to the operation and maintenance of the properties of the Village and of all of the departments of the Village.
      (2)   He or she also shall have supervision of other administrative agencies and departments and officers as may be hereafter created by the President and Board, unless the management and control of those departments and officers is expressly delegated elsewhere.
   (B)   Specifically, but not in limitation of the division (A) above, the Comptroller/Manager shall have the following additional powers and duties:
      (1)   He or she may recommend to the President and Board the appointment of all officers of the Village who are required by law to be appointed by the President with the advice and consent of the Board, and he may recommend to the President the appointment of employees and officers who are required to be appointed by the President. He or she further shall recommend the removal or suspension of any such officer or employee when removal or suspension shall be consistent with the best interests of the Village. All recommendations for appointment or removal shall be based upon merit and upon the qualifications or disqualifications of the officer or employee without regard to political belief or affiliation.
      (2)   He or she shall supervise the purchase of all materials, supplies, and equipment for which funds are provided in the budget, and for that purpose he is authorized to make expenditures in accordance with the purchasing policy of the Village, as from time to time supplemented or amended by the President and Board; receive bids for purchases or contracts for any purpose, including but not limited to those affecting the operation and maintenance of Village services; and advise the President and Board of Trustees on the advantages or disadvantages of the contract or merchandise on which such bids have been received; with the understanding that all expenditures and payments, regardless of amount, shall be subject to the confirmation or approval of the President and Board of Trustees and to the limitations imposed by adoption of the budget.
      (3)   He or she shall attend all meetings of the President and Board unless excused therefrom by the President and Board, except when his or her removal is under consideration by the Board. He or she shall have the privilege of taking part in the discussion of all matters coming before the Board and shall be entitled to notice of all meetings, regular and special, of the Board.
      (4)   He or she shall make investigations into the affairs of the Village or any department or division thereof and shall investigate all complaints in relation to matters concerning Village services and Village administration.
      (5)   He or she shall devote his or her entire time to the discharge of official duties.
      (6)   He or she shall perform the other duties as may be required of him or her by the President and Board consistent with the Village ordinances or state statutes.
      (7)   In the absence or vacancy in office of the Village Comptroller/Manager, wherever in this code of ordinances or in the ordinances adopted by the President and Board of trustees reference is made to the Village Comptroller/Manager, Village Manager or Village Comptroller, the duties of such Village Comptroller/Manager, Village Manager, or Village Comptroller shall be undertaken by the Village President during the period of such absence or vacancy.
('73 Code, § 2-107) (Ord. 93-1861, passed 12-14-93; Ord. 93-1854, passed 9-28-93; Ord. 23-4368, passed 7-6-23)