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   At outdoors public gatherings:
   (a)   All solid waste shall be stored in suitable containers with tight-fitting lids and such containers shall be conveniently located throughout the area; and
   (b)   All solid waste shall be collected daily or at more frequent intervals as may be necessary to maintain sanitary conditions at the site and be disposed of in a manner that does not create a health hazard or nuisance.
(Ord. 11209, § 1, passed 11-24-1992)
Editor’s note:
   Section 1 of Ord. 11209, adopted Nov. 24, 1992, repealed § 16-328 in its entirety. Formerly § 16-328 pertained to vector control. Section 1 of said ordinance also renumbered §§ 16-329 and 16-330 as §§ 16-328 and 16-329.