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   (a)   The director may revoke a slot permit issued under this division if the holder or an employee:
      (1)   Has abandoned the assigned slot;
      (2)   Fails to comply with any requirement of this division;
      (3)   Violates or fails to comply with any provision of city code or other applicable law;
      (4)   Is discovered to have provided false or inaccurate information on or in connection with the original permit application; or
      (5)   Is discovered to have provided false or inaccurate information on or in connection with the operations log or any other documentation required under this division.
   (b)   The director shall notify the permittee in writing of the revocation.
   (c)   The revocation of a slot permit may be appealed in accordance with the process outlined in § 16-182.
(Ord. 22242-05-2016, § 4, passed 5-24-2016)