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   (a)   When a food establishment is newly constructed or extensively remodeled, when a food establishment has a change of ownership, or when an existing structure is converted to use as a food establishment, properly prepared plans and specifications for such construction, remodeling or conversion shall be submitted to the department of planning and development for review and approval before construction, remodeling or conversion is begun.
   (b)   The plans and specifications shall indicate the proposed layout, arrangement, mechanical plans, types of construction materials in work areas and the type and model of proposed fixed equipment to be installed. The director of planning and development shall give the health department the opportunity to review and approve the plans and specifications to determine if they meet the requirements of this article. No food establishment shall be constructed, extensively remodeled or converted except in accordance with plans and specifications approved by the health department. Food facility owners/operators shall ensure during plans review, construction and operation that their facilities comply with all applicable city plumbing, mechanical, electrical, building, zoning and fire prevention and protection codes.
   (c)   The director shall inspect the food establishment prior to the start of operations to determine compliance with the approved plans and specifications, the requirements of this article and the regulations of the Texas department of health.
(Ord. 12553, § 1, passed 6-18-1996; Ord. 17522, §§ 5, 6, passed 4-24-2007)