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   (a)   The application for a new or a renewed permit shall be made on an application form prescribed by the director, and shall at a minimum require the applicant’s name, type of business organization, the name and address of the owner or principal officer of the business, the nature of the business, the location of the business and such other information as the director deems necessary.
   (b)   The health department may not renew an expired or expiring permit until the owner or operator of the establishment provides proof of compliance with current minimum health department requirements.
   (c)   A permit is not transferable.
   (d)   A permit is valid for one year from the date of its issuance. A permit may be renewed upon proof of compliance with all applicable city and state health laws.
   (e)   The owner or operator of the facility shall display the permit in a conspicuous public place in the permitted facility.
   (f)   Upon change of ownership of a facility, the new owner shall be required to meet all applicable city and state health laws before a permit will be issued.
(Ord. 12553, § 1, passed 6-18-1996)