General Provisions
   150.001   Short title
   150.002   Purposes
   150.003   Enactment
   150.004   Applicability and authority
   150.005   Subdivision defined
   150.006   Subdivision not to include
   150.007   Fees and charges
   150.008   Prohibited acts
   150.009   Enforcement
   150.010   Licenses and permits
   150.011   Approval of application
   150.012   Imposed requirements and exactions
   150.013   Restrictions for solar and other energy devices
   150.014   Validity
Subdivision Procedures
   150.025   Subdivision definition
   150.026   Pre-application
   150.027   Conceptual Plan review - purpose
   150.028   Conceptual Plan application - requirements
   150.029   Conceptual Plan application - review and approval
   150.030   Conceptual Plan application - actions following review and approval
   150.031   Conceptual Plan - not an application for subdivision approval
   150.032   Preliminary subdivision application - intent and purpose
   150.033   Preliminary subdivision application - land use authority and public meetings
   150.034   Preliminary subdivision application - application requirements
   150.035   Preliminary subdivision application - engineering and attorney review fees
   150.036   Preliminary subdivision application - determination of complete and incomplete application, appeal process
   150.037   Preliminary subdivision application - review procedures
   150.038   Preliminary subdivision application - restrictions of solar and other energy devices
   150.039   Preliminary subdivision application - effect of approval and effective period
   150.040   Preliminary subdivision application - site preparation work prohibited
   150.041   Preliminary subdivision application - appeal process
   150.042   Final subdivision application - intent and purpose
   150.043   Final subdivision application - land use authority and Planning Commission recommendation
   150.044   Final subdivision application - approval required prior to filing
   150.045   Final subdivision application - application requirements
   150.046   Final subdivision application - engineering and attorney review fees
   150.047   Final subdivision application - determination of complete and incomplete application, appeal process
   150.048   Final subdivision application - review procedures
   150.049   Final subdivision application - restrictions of solar and other energy
   150.050   Final subdivision application - effect of approval and effective period
   150.051   Final subdivision application - site preparation work prohibited
   150.052   Final subdivision application - appeal process of application decisions
   150.053   Vested rights
   150.054   Final subdivision - preconstruction meeting and construction of required improvements
Exemptions to Subdivision Procedures, Minor and
Agricultural Subdivision Procedures
   150.065   Definitions - minor and agricultural subdivisions
   150.066   Pre-application
   150.067   Conceptual Plan review - purpose
   150.068   Conceptual Plan application - requirements
   150.069   Conceptual Plan application - review and approval
   150.070   Conceptual Plan application - actions following review and approval
   150.071   Conceptual Plan application - not an application for minor subdivision approval
   150.072   Final minor subdivision application - intent and purpose
   150.073   Final minor subdivision application - land use authority and Planning Commission recommendation
   150.074   Final minor subdivision application - approval required prior to filing
   150.075   Final minor subdivision application - application requirements
   150.076   Final minor subdivision application - engineering and attorney review fees
   150.077   Final minor subdivision application - determination of complete and incomplete application, appeal process
   150.078   Final minor subdivision application - review procedures
   150.079   Final minor subdivision application - restrictions of solar and energy devices
   150.080   Final minor subdivision application - effect of approval and effective period
   150.081   Final minor subdivision application - site preparation work prohibited
   150.082   Final minor subdivision application - appeal process of application decisions
   150.083   Vested rights
   150.084   Final minor subdivision - preconstruction meeting and construction of required improvements
Vacating or Amending a Recorded Final
Subdivision Plat, Street, or Alley Final
   150.095   Amendment to a recorded final subdivision plat
   150.096   Vacating or altering a street or alley
   150.097   Appeal of subdivision amendment decisions
Noticing Requirements
   150.110   Purpose
   150.111   Adoption or modification of any land use regulations
   150.112   Multiple-unit residential, commercial, or industrial development
   150.113   Amendment to a subdivision
   150.114   Amendment to public improvements in a subdivision or development
   150.115   Petition to vacate a public street
   150.116   Notice challenge
   150.130   Purpose
   150.131   Subdivision appeals
   150.132   Variance appeals
   150.133   Permitted use, conditional use, or temporary use decision appeals
   150.134   Default - state code
Development Standards
   150.145   General improvements
   150.146   Lot improvements
   150.147   Streets
   150.148   Storm drainage
   150.149   Subsurface drainage
   150.150   Water facilities
   150.151   Secondary water system
   150.152   Sewerage facilities
   150.153   Sidewalks
   150.154   Curb and gutter
   150.155   Utilities
   150.156   Public uses
   150.157   Irrigation water
   150.158   Preservation of natural features and amenities
   150.159   Nonresidential subdivision
Special Exceptions
   150.170   Intent and purpose
   150.171   Special exception application - Council identified as land use authority - Commission recommendation required
   150.172   Allowed special exceptions
   150.173   Special exception applications - application requirements
   150.174   Special exception application - final subdivision application - engineering and attorney review fees
   150.175   City to determine a complete special exception application
   150.176   Determination of an incomplete special exception application
   150.177   Appeal of a determination of application completeness decision by the city
   150.178   Special exception application review procedures
   150.179   Special exception application - approval standards - reasonable approval requirements authorized
   150.180   Effect of approval, with or without requirements, or a special exception application and effective period
   150.181   Site preparation work prohibited
   150.182   Appeal of special exception application decisions
Guarantees for Subdivision Improvements, Facilities, and Amenities
   150.195   Necessary guarantees
   150.196   Inspection of subdivision improvements
   150.197   Condition of subdivision improvements - guarantee period
   150.198   Default
   150.199   Sample subdivision improvement agreement and escrow certificate
   150.210   Purpose
   150.211   Definitions
   150.999   Penalty