   1.00   Title
   2.00   Purpose
   3.00   Nature
   4.00   Authority
   5.00   Definitions
   6.00   Establishment of districts
   6.01   Residential Districts
   6.02   Commercial Districts
   6.03   Industrial Districts
   6.04   “PUD” Planned Unit Development District
   7.00   Zoning map
   8.00   Rules for interpretation of zoning district boundaries
   9.00   Annexed territory
   10.00   Organization
   11.00   Building Official and Zoning Enforcement Officer
   11.01   Powers and duties of the Building Official
   11.02   Zoning Officer
   12.00   Planning and Zoning Commission
   12.01   Creation and membership
   12.02   Jurisdiction
   12.03   Meetings and rules
   12A.00   Board of Adjustments
   12A.01   Creation and membership
   12A.02   Jurisdiction
   12A.03   Meetings and rules
   12A.04   Finality of decisions of the Board of Adjustment
   13.00   Mayor and Council
   13.01   Jurisdiction
   14.00   Zoning certificates and occupancy permits
   14.01   Zoning certificates
   14.02   Occupancy permits
   15.00   Variances
   15.01   Authority
   15.02   Application for variances
   15.03   Initiation of variance
   15.04   Hearing on application
   15.05   Notice of hearing
   15.06   Standards for variances
   15.07   Authorized variances
   15.08   Finding of fact
   15.09   Granting a variance
   15.10   Effect of denial of variance
   16.00   Appeals
   16.01   Authority
   16.02   Initiation of appeal
   16.03   Application for appeal
   16.04   Imminent peril to life and property
   16.05   Hearing on applications
   16.06   Notice of hearing
   16.07   Findings on appeals
   17.00   Uses on review and other powers of the Board
   17.01   Uses on review
   17.02   Other powers of the Board
   18.00   Amendments
   18.01   Authority
   18.02   Initiation of amendment
   18.03   Application for amendment
   18.04   Public notification of district reclassification
   18.05   Meeting on application
   18.06   Findings of fact and recommendation of the Commission
   18.07   Action by the City Council
   18.08   Effect of denial of amendment
   19.00   SA Suburban Agriculture Districts
   19.01   Principal permitted uses
   19.02   Permitted uses on review
   19.03   Height regulations
   19.04   Lot area, lot width and yard requirements
   20.00   R-1 Single-Family Residential Districts
   20.01   Principal permitted uses
   20.02   Permitted uses on review
   20.03   Height regulations
   20.04   Lot area, lot width and yard requirements
   21.00   R-2 Two-Family Residential Districts
   21.01   Principal permitted uses
   21.02   Permitted uses on review
   21.03   Height regulations
   21.04   Lot area, lot width and yard requirements
   22.00   R-3 Multiple-Family Residential Districts
   22.01   Principal permitted uses
   22.02   Permitted uses on review
   22.03   Height regulations
   22.04   Lot area, lot width and yard requirements
   22A.00   R-MH Mobile Home Park Residence District
   22A.01   Principal permitted uses
   22A.02   Permitted uses on review
   22A.03   Height regulations
   22A.04   Lot area, lot width and yard requirements
   22A.05   Development plan requirements
   23.00   Planned Residential Overlay Districts
   23.01   Procedure
   23.02   Permitted uses
   23.03   Permitted uses on review
   23.04   Minimum lot area
   23.05   Minimum lot width
   23.06   Height requirements
   23.07   Front yard
   23.08   Side yard
   23.09   Rear yard
   23.10   Maximum density
   23.11   Special provisions
   23.12   Development plan
   23.13   Time limit
   23.14   Schedule
   23.15   Alternatives
   23.16   Completed project
   23A.00   O-T Office/Transitional District
   23A.01   Principal permitted uses
   23A.02   Permitted uses on review
   23A.03   Accessory uses permitted
   23A.04   Height regulations
   23A.05   Lot area, lot width and yard requirements
   24.00   C-1 Neighborhood Commercial Districts
   24.01   Principal permitted uses
   24.02   Permitted uses on review
   24.03   Height regulations
   24.04   Lot width and yard requirements
   25.00   C-2 Central Business District
   25.01   Principal permitted uses
   25.02   Permitted uses on review
   25.03   Height regulations
   25.04   Lot area, lot width and yard requirements
   26.00   C-3 General Commercial District
   26.01   Principal permitted uses
   26.02   Permitted uses on review
   26.03   Height regulations
   26.04   Lot area, lot width and yard requirements
   27.00   C-4 Highway-Oriented Commercial Districts
   27.01   Principal permitted uses
   27.02   Permitted uses on review
   27.03   Height regulations
   27.04   Lot area, lot width and yard requirements
   27A.00   C/I - Commercial Industrial Transition District
   27A.01   Principal permitted uses
   27A.02   Permitted uses on review
   27A.03   Height regulations
   27A.04   Lot area, lot width and yard requirements
   27A.05   Special requirements
   28.00   I-1 Light Industrial District
   28.01   Principal permitted uses
   28.02   Permitted uses on review
   28.03   Prohibited uses
   28.04   Height regulations
   28.05   Lot area, lot width and yard requirements
   28.06   Enclosure of use
   29.00   I-2 General Industrial District
   29.01   Principal permitted uses
   29.02   Permitted uses on review
   29.03   Prohibited uses
   29.04   Height regulations
   29.05   Lot area, lot width and yard requirements
   29A.00   P/M Public and Municipal District
   29A.01   Principal permitted uses
   29A.02   Permitted uses on review
   29A.03   Height regulations
   29A.04   Lot area, lot width and yard requirements
   29A.05   Other requirements
   30.00   “PUD” Planned Unit Development District
   30.01   Purpose
   30.02   Procedure
   30.03   Specific content
   30.04   Standards
   30.05   Conditions and guarantees
   30.06   Detailed site plan
   31.00   General provisions
   31.01   Zoning affects every structure and use
   31.02   Minimum street frontage, lot of record, number of buildings on lot and lots unserved by sewer or water
   31.03   Required yard cannot be reduced or used by another building
   31.04   Conversion of dwelling
   31.05   Traffic visibility across corner lots
   31.06   Essential services
   31.07   Special setback requirements
   31.08   Validity of existing building permits
   31.09   Location on lot of satellite receivers
   31.10   Adjoining lots
   31.11   Site plan review
   31.12   Residential development adjacent to a transmission pipeline easement
   32.00   Exceptions and modifications
   32.01   General
   32.02   Height limits
   32.03   Front yard exceptions and modifications
   32.04   Side yard exceptions and modifications
   32.05   Rear yard exceptions and modifications
   32.06   Electric and barbed wire fence
   33.00   Accessory buildings
   33.01   Time of construction
   33.02   Percentage of required yard occupied
   33.03   Height of accessory buildings
   33.04   Location on lot
   33.05   Mobile homes
   33.06   Adjoining lots
   34.00   Temporary permit uses permitted
   35.00   Off-street parking areas and loading spaces
   35.01   Off-street loading spaces
   35.02   Scope
   35.03   Location
   35.04   Procedure
   35.05   Number of parking spaces required
   35.06   Definition and interpretation
   35.07   Development standards
   35.08   Exceptions
   36.00   Trailers, mobile homes and trucks
   37.00   Signs
   37.01   Intent and purpose
   37.02   Permits required
   37.03   General requirements
   37.04   Removal and conformance requirements
   37.05   Permitted sign within zoning districts
   37.06   Specific sign regulations
   37.07   Table of sign types, definitions and restrictions
   38.00   Fences/screening/walls
   39.00   Street numbers
   40.00   Nonconforming buildings and structures
   40.01   General
   40.02   Alteration or enlargement of building and structures
   40.03   Destruction of nonconforming building or structure
   40.04   Building vacancy
   40.05   Change in use
   40.06   Standards for regulation of nonconforming uses
   41.00   Nonconforming uses of land
   42.00   Greenbelts
   42.01   Size
   42.02   Use
   42.03   Restrictions
   42.04   Waiver and vacating
   43.00   Fees and penalties
   43.01   Fees
   43.02   Penalties
   43A.00   Adult entertainment land uses
   43A.01   Purpose
   43A.02   Definitions
   43A.03   Entertainer
   43A.04   Facilities
   43A.05   Locations