1.00 Purpose
2.00 Title, purpose, authority, approvals and exceptions
2.01 Short title
2.02 Purpose
2.03 Authority
2.04 Approvals and exceptions
3.00 Definitions
4.00 Procedure for review of subdivisions
5.00 Sketch plan discussion
5.01 Location map
5.02 Sketch plan
6.00 Preliminary plat - preparation and filing
6.01 Location map
6.02 Preliminary plat
6.03 Site plan
6.04 Drainage title
6.05 Preliminary plat subdivision fee
7.00 Preliminary plat - review and approval
7.01 Review by Engineer, Administrative Officer, Director of Public Works and County Zoning Administrator
7.02 Review by Board
7.03 Require a neighborhood plan
7.04 Approval or rejection by Council
7.05 Action on preliminary plat to be filed with Clerk
7.06 Platting procedure for minor plats
8.00 Preliminary plat approval not to constitute subdivision approval
8.01 Time limitation of preliminary approval
9.00 Construction plans
9.01 Current preliminary plat
9.02 Draft final plan
9.03 Specific plans related to the site plan
9.04 Sanitary plans
9.05 Water service plans
9.06 Paving and drainage plans
9.07 Certification of registered engineer
10.00 Grade sheets and change orders
11.00 Final plat - preparation and filing
11.01 Final plat
11.02 Other required documents
11.03 Guarantee of improvements
12.00 Bond to secure liens
13.00 Final plat - review and approval
13.01 Review by the Board
13.02 Approval or rejection by Council
13.03 Action on final plat to be filed in the office of the Clerk
14.00 Time limitation for recording of plat
15.00 Release, expiration or extension of bond
16.00 Implementation of changed standards/requirements
17.00 Acquisition of plats
17.01 Utilization of instruments of record and field measurements
17.02 Plat identification information
17.03 Scale of original drawing
17.04 Required references
17.05 Monuments
17.06 Parcel designation
17.07 Measuring of parcels
17.08 Governmental agency requirements
18.00 Auditor’s plats
19.00 General design requirements for streets
19.01 Streets to be continued
19.02 Discourage through traffic on minor streets
19.03 Streets to intersect at right angles
19.04 Not more than two streets to intersect
19.05 Minimum centerline offsets
19.06 Connecting street lines to be joined by curves
19.07 Reverse curves to be connected by tangent
19.08 Half streets
19.09 “Buffer treatment” may be required between proposed subdivision and adjacent use
19.10 Access to highways under jurisdiction of the state
19.11 Street names
19.12 Sidewalks
19.13 Street rights-of-way
20.00 General design requirements for alleys
20.01 Alleys in commercial and industrial districts
20.02 Alignment of alleys
20.03 Dead-end alleys to be avoided
20.04 Alleys to be prohibited in residential districts
21.00 General design requirements for blocks
21.01 Lengths of blocks
21.02 Pedestrian crosswalks
21.03 Width of blocks
21.04 Shape of blocks
21.05 Blocks in commercial and industrial areas
22.00 General design requirements for lots
22.01 Lot size, width, depth, shape and orientation
22.02 Building setback lines to be established
22.03 Lot lines to be at right angles to street lines
22.04 Corner lots to be extra width
22.05 Every lot to have frontage on a public street
22.06 Reverse frontage not normally allowed
22.07 Land remnants
22.08 Reserve strips not allowed
22.09 Acre subdivision
23.00 General design requirements for easements
23.01 Necessary utility easements to be provided
23.02 Service easements
23.03 Maintenance easements to be provided for natural watercourses
23.04 Free access of authorities to easements
24.00 Street classification and control of access to adjoining property
25.00 Minimum improvements required - general information
25.01 Construction plans to be prepared by a registered engineer
25.02 Completion of improvements
25.03 Privately owned improvement facilities
25.04 Construction to city specifications
25.05 Cost of engineering and inspection
26.00 Minimum street and alley improvements required
26.01 All streets constructed to standards
26.02 Curbs or gutters
26.03 Curb corners
26.04 Pavements on major and collector streets
26.05 Street surfaces
26.06 Storm water inlets
26.07 Sidewalks
26.08 Street name signs
26.09 Street pavement widths
27.00 Minimum improvements required for sewage disposal
27.01 Connection to public sanitary sewer system
27.02 Sewage disposal outside of the corporate limits
27.03 Sewer installed to comply with specifications
28.00 Minimum improvements required for water supply
28.01 Connection to a public water supply system
28.02 Water supply outside of the corporate limits
28.03 Water systems to comply with specifications
28.04 Lots not served by public sewer and water
29.00 Minimum improvements required for storm drainage
29.01 Land subject to flooding or containing poor drainage facilities
29.02 Installation of storm drainage improvements
29.03 Required watercourse improvement
29.04 Additional width of lots abutting a watercourse
29.05 Sump pump discharge
30.00 Minimum improvements required for public utilities
31.00 Minimum improvements required for monuments
32.00 Administration and legal data
32.01 Establish and appointment of Administrative Officer
32.02 Variation and exception
32.03 Amendments
32.04 Building permit
32.05 Penalties
32.06 Conflict with private deeds and covenants