The Building Official shall discharge the following duties under this chapter:
   (A)   Issue all zoning certificates and make and maintain records thereof;
   (B)   Issue all occupancy permits and make and maintain records thereof;
   (C)   Issue occupancy permits regulating the erection of buildings or structures and use of land for periods not to exceed ten days for specific purposes, such as temporary carnivals, churches, charities, and revival meetings which are not detrimental to the public health, safety, morals, comfort, convenience or general welfare; provided, however, that said use or operation and any incidental temporary structures or tents are in conformance with all other chapters and codes of the city;
   (D)   Conduct inspection of buildings, structures and use of land to determine compliance with the terms of this chapter;
   (E)   Assist the Zoning Enforcement Officer in the enforcement of this chapter; and
   (F)   Perform all duties which are required of him or her under the terms of this chapter.