All signs which are listed in § 37.05 of this chapter are listed below. The following regulations govern the use of specific types of signs which are allowed within the applicable zoning districts. Divisions (A) through (H) below explain the standards, phrases and abbreviations subsequently used for each type of sign.
   (A)   Type.
      (1)   Each sign has a “Type Str.” (structure) item which shows the permitted type of sign structure which is permitted as shown in the applicable table.
         (a)   “Temp” shall indicate a sign mounted on a wooden post or meta.
         (b)   “Mon” shall indicate a ground-mounted monument sign.
         (c)   “Pole” shall indicate a sign mounted upon a pole or poles raised up seven feet above ground level.
         (d)   “Bldg” shall indicate signs attached to a building.
         (e)   “1 face” shall indicate a sign structure with not more than one sign surface.
         (f)   “2 face” shall indicate a sign with one sign surface or not more than two sign surfaces where the two sign surfaces back to each other and face opposite or nearly opposite directions.
         (g)   “Yard” shall indicate a common yard sign one or two-sided most commonly 24 inches by 18 inches but up to four feet by eight feet set on wire frame or posts that embed in the ground.
      (2)   Types of sign not listed below are not permitted for that sign.
   (B)   Size. Any sign shall not exceed the maximum number of square feet listed for that sign on any one side or surface as shown in the applicable table.
   (C)   Illumination. Signs may be illuminated when indicated in the applicable table by one of four general methods shown as “Ill.”:
      (1)   “Flood” for an illumination permitted by a light shining upon the sign located apart from the sign structure and directed toward the sign;
      (2)   “Back” for an illumination permitted by producing a sign translucent in total or in part and placing light behind and within the structure of such sign;
      (3)   “Sil” for an illumination permitted by producing a sign with opaque characteristics and placing a light behind the characteristics so as to outline the characteristic with the glow from the lighting source creating a silhouette; and
      (4)   “None” for no illumination permitted at all.
   (D)   Height. Any sign shall not exceed the maximum height in feet above average ground level listed for that sign as shown in the applicable table. The bottom of any pole sign shall not be lower than seven feet above average ground level. “NTE” refers to “not to exceed”.
   (E)   Location. Signs (not attached to buildings) are permitted on that portion of each parcel indicated for that sign as shown on the applicable table. The notation “NCT” shall mean that a sign must be located “not closer than” the designated distance from the property line. “None” shall mean that the sign may be located anywhere within the property or parcel lines other than as noted in § 37.03 of this chapter.
   (F)   Number. No category of sign shall be displayed in greater number than listed in the applicable table except the phrase “one per interior lot” shall also mean two per corner lot with one sign oriented to each of the streets forming the corner.
   (G)   Special conditions. Each sign may have a “special conditions” item which may indicate other condition or restriction not previously listed.
   (H)   Projection. Sign may project from a building into the setback by not more than the applicable number shown in the table below.
(Ord. 2023-07, passed 3-20-2023)