(A)   Rezoning signs. The Zoning Enforcement Officer, or person designated by the Zoning Enforcement Officer, shall provide each applicant requesting a change to the official zoning map with at least two rezoning notification signs containing the time, date and place of the Commission meeting. Said signs shall be clearly posted by the applicant on the property for which the request has been made. On large parcels, additional signs may be required to be posted. At least one sign must be placed so that it may be seen from the street, and in the case of through lots and/or corner lots, a sign shall be posted on both street frontages. When a property is in the interior of a block or tract of land, additional signs may be required to be posted adjacent to and facing the surrounding properties. For each sign provided, the applicant shall pay a fee in an amount established from time to time by resolution of City Council.
   (B)   Posting of notifications signs. Notification signs shall be posted at least ten days before the Commission meeting date noted on the sign. It shall be the applicant’s responsibility to see that said signs remain posted during the entire ten-day period. If the signs are not posted in accordance with the preceding requirements, the Commission may delay action on the application, except that if the applicant satisfies the Commission that the signs were initially posted at least ten days prior to the Commission meeting and that the applicant made diligent efforts to keep the signs posted during the entire period, and that only circumstances beyond the applicant’s control prevented a continuous posting, then the Commission may act on the application.
   (C)   Courtesy notices to adjoining property owners. Notices stating the applicant’s request, the general location of the property involved, date and location of the Commission’s public meeting shall be sent at least five days prior to the meeting date to all property owners adjacent to the property requested to be reclassified. Such notices shall be sent by first class mail with postage prepaid.
   (D)   Action at other then specified times. If the Commission is to initially act on the applicant’s request at any time other then that specified on the rezoning notification signs, the petitioner may be required to obtain and post signs with the new dates.
   (E)   Removal of signs. Signs required to be posted pursuant to this section must be removed within 72 hours after the meeting date listed on the sign.