(A) The Clark County Tax Sale Legal Fee Fund (the “fund”) is hereby established.
(B) The fund shall be non-reverting.
(C) The fund shall be under the exclusive control of the Board.
(D) The fund shall not be required to be appropriated by the County Council.
(E) The fund shall only be used for the payment of legal fees and costs (including attorney fees) incurred by the county which are directly attributable to the county’s tax sale.
(Ord. 9-2001, passed 9-13-2001)
(A) The Clark County Drug Court User Fee Fund is hereby established.
(B) The fund shall be non-reverting.
(C) The fund shall consist of grants, donations, applicant user fees and deposits made from varied sources.
(D) The disbursements therefrom shall be made pursuant to a claim submitted to the County Drug Court and approved by the Judge of the Clark Superior Court II and appropriated for expenditure by the County Council to the extent required by state law.
(Ord. 10-2002, passed 5-23-2002)
(A) A non-reverting fund for the county’s partially self-funded employee health insurance plan is hereby created and said fund shall be known as the Non-Reverting Employee Health Insurance Fund.
(B) Disbursements from the fund shall be made to the third party administrator upon the submission of a claim voucher properly itemized and verified in the same manner as other claims or vouchers against the county. The said fund does not require an appropriation by the County Council, unless otherwise required by law.
(C) The County Auditor is hereby directed to transfer funds from the various funds of county government to the Non-Reverting Employee Health Insurance Fund after authorization of the respective department heads in amounts budgeted by the County Council as the Employer’s Contribution.
(D) Contributions submitted by agencies that are outside the county government but that are a part of the county’s health insurance plan shall be receipted into said fund.
(E) Upon completion of such transfer, the Board further authorizes payment to the third-party administrator, or its successor and/or assigns from the Non-Reverting Employee Health Insurance Fund established herein for the purposes of administering this plan without additional approval of the Board or the Board or the County Council, unless otherwise required by law.
(F) On each payday, the County Auditor is directed to withhold the employees’ contribution towards the cost of the health insurance and to receipt said contribution into said fund.
(Ord. 11-2002, passed 6-20-2002)
(A) There is hereby created a Law Enforcement Fund. The fund shall consist of deposits in the form of cash assets obtained pursuant to forfeiture proceedings and other law enforcement related seizures recovered by the Office of the County Prosecuting Attorney. No criminal defendant will receive a reduced sentence as a result of the forfeiture of any assets.
(B) The purpose of the Law Enforcement Fund shall be the maintenance of money for acquisition of equipment and services necessary to assist law enforcement agencies in carrying out their law enforcement functions, in the official course of their duties in the county.
(C) The County Prosecuting Attorney shall, when deemed appropriate, initiate forfeiture proceedings to recover assets seized by law enforcement agencies in the county, unless a federal adoption of forfeitable property is sought pursuant to I.C. 34-24-1-9.
(D) If the County Prosecuting Attorney obtains a court order authorizing the forfeiture of seized property pursuant to a default judgment or judgment following a contested hearing, pursuant to I.C. 34-24-1-3 or I.C. 34-24-1-4, any law enforcement costs (as defined by I.C. 34-6-2-73) owed to the County Prosecutor’s Office shall be deposited into the Law Enforcement Fund.
(E) In all cases where ownership of seized cash in an amount over $500 is obtained by the County Prosecuting Attorney pursuant to a plea agreement or agreed order, the seizing agency will receive 50% of all cash assets recovered for which that agency was responsible.
(1) The County Prosecuting Attorney’s Office will receive the remaining 50% of recovered cash assets.
(2) When more than one agency is involved as the seizing agency, 50% of all the cash assets recovered will be distributed to the County Prosecuting Attorney’s Office, and the remaining 50% will be distributed equally among the seizing agencies. Any amount of money of $500 or less obtained pursuant to this division (E) shall be deposited directly into the Law Enforcement Fund.
(3) Any seizing law enforcement agency may elect to forego their share of seized assets, and divest their interest in said assets in favor of the County Prosecuting Attorney’s Office, by submitting a written statement of said election, executed by a sworn law enforcement officer from the department, to the County Prosecuting Attorney.
(F) The County Prosecuting Attorney, as the Chief Law Enforcement Officer of the county, shall have authority to decide which equipment requests to fund from the Law Enforcement Fund. Any equipment purchased from monies contained in the Law Enforcement Fund shall be the property of the County Prosecuting Attorney. Said equipment may be loaned to other law enforcement agencies for law enforcement activities in the county, at the discretion of the County Prosecuting Attorney.
(G) The County Prosecuting Attorney shall keep records of deposits and expenditures to and from the Law Enforcement Fund, the source of the deposits, and the items purchased from monies in this fund.
(H) Monies and funds in the Law Enforcement Fund shall be appropriated for expenditure by the County Council to the extent required by state law.
(I) The Law Enforcement Fund shall be non-reverting in nature and disbursements therefrom shall be pursuant to a claim submitted to, and approved by, the Board of Commissioners, for the purchase of equipment and services necessary to assist law enforcement agencies in carrying out their law enforcement functions, in such sums as are reasonably requested by the Prosecuting Attorney, and as are approved by the Board from time to time.
(Ord. 15-2002, passed 11-7-2002)
(A) The County Community Corrections Advisory Board Fund (the “fund”) is hereby established.
(B) The fund shall be non-reverting.
(C) Claims and expenses to be paid from the fund shall be submitted and verified to the County Auditor by the President of the Community Corrections Advisory Board, or by such other person as duly designated and authorized by the President and/or by the Community Corrections Advisory Board, and that the Board of Commissioners shall then approve all claims and expenses pursuant to the regular procedures of county government.
(D) The fund shall not be required to be appropriated by the county.
(E) The fund shall only be used for the payment of claims and expenses incurred by the Community Corrections Advisory Board through its duly authorized operations and activities pursuant to state law.
(Ord. 2-2003, passed 3-13-2003)
(A) A non-reverting County Highway Department Fund for the funds collected from various developers for county road improvements and maintenance is hereby established, and said fund shall be known as the Non-Reverting Highway Department Developer Road Improvement Fund.
(B) Receipts and disbursements from the fund shall be made at the direction of the County Engineer and upon the approval of the Board.
(C) This non-reverting fund shall not require an appropriation by the County Council, unless otherwise required by law.
(Ord. 4-2003, passed 4-24-2003)
(A) A non-reverting County Fund for the fees assessed by the county courts, and which shall be paid to the Court Appointed Special Advocates and Guardian Ad Litems is hereby established and shall be known as the Non-Reverting CASA/Guardian Ad Litem Fund.
(B) Receipts and disbursements from the fund shall be made pursuant to the county’s regular claims process and procedures, and otherwise pursuant to state law.
(C) This fund shall require an appropriation by the County Council.
(Ord. 6-2003, passed 6-5-2003)