(A) Each and every recital set forth in the ordinance codified herein is adopted into this section.
(B) There is hereby established the Clark County Riverboat Gaming Receipt Fund.
(C) Said fund shall be the depository for payments made in advance by applicants for riverboat gaming licenses under I.C. 4-33, and particularly that section of the Indiana Code pertaining to counties contiguous to the Ohio River, which section of the Indiana Code reads as follows: (b) A special election may be held: (1) in 1993 or 1994 if applicant for a riverboat license under I.C. 4-33-6 pays in advance of the election the cost of the expenses to hold a special election, as determined by the Election Board. Such payments shall not be deposited into the County Government General Fund, absent a directive to do so by the Board of Commissioners of the county or appropriate supervisory agencies of state government.
(D) Said fund shall be non-reverting in nature and all expenditures therefrom shall be exclusively made and controlled by the Board of Commissioners.
(E) Expenditures from said fund may be used for payment of expenses incurred by the County Election Board for the purpose of conducting a general election upon the public question of whether to allow riverboat gaming in the county, said public question being placed on the ballot pursuant to the provisions of I.C. 3-10-9. Any unused balance in this fund, upon order of the Commissioners, shall be returned to the original payor of same in accord with the law.
(F) All requests for payment from said fund presented to the Board of Commissioners shall be made in writing, on a county claim form, itemized and verified pursuant to statute and shall be submitted along with all documentation supporting such request for payment.
(G) The Auditor is hereby directed to maintain and manage accurate accounting information concerning the receipts, expenditures and balances of this fund, to list it under the designation of Special County Funds, along with already existing county funds not funded by direct property tax revenues on all financial reports and computer printouts made and generated for, and in the name of, the Board of Commissioners.
(H) No county warrants shall be authorized to issue for expenditures from this fund, except upon a claim for same being submitted, reviewed and approved by the Board of Commissioners, and without the Commissioners’ ordering the issuance of such a warrant. No expenditures from this fund shall be made, except in accord with this section.
(Ord. 4-1993, passed 9-21-1993)