(A)   Every recital in the ordinance codified herein is adopted into this section.
   (B)   There is hereby established the County Sheriff’s Department Expense and Seizure Fund.
   (C)   Said fund shall be non-reverting in nature and shall be funded by all monies received by the County Police Department in the nature of law enforcement grants or other payments made as a result of property seizures and forfeitures and the like. All expenditures therefrom shall be exclusively made and controlled by the Board of Commissioners.
   (D)   Expenditures from said fund may be made for the following purposes:
      (1)   Buy money in controlled substance or marijuana transactions when necessary to obtain reliable information of probable violations of the law;
      (2)   Continuing education expenses for law enforcement personnel associated with the County Police Department;
      (3)   Equipment expenses for purchases of equipment necessary for the continued investigation of drug and alcohol expenses and efforts toward eradication of illegal drugs;
      (4)   Petty cash expenditures in such monthly lump sums as are reasonable and as are approved by the Board of Commissioners, the County Sheriff and the County Council; and
      (5)   Other expenses incurred by the Sheriff’s Department operation, including overtime pay of Sheriff personnel, for the purpose of continued law enforcement services in the county.
   (E)   The Auditor is hereby directed to maintain and manage accurate accounting information concerning the receipts, expenditures and balances of this fund, to list it under the designation of Special County Funds, along with already existing county funds not funded by direct property tax revenues on all financial reports and computer printouts made and generated for, and in the name of, the Board of Commissioners.
   (F)   No county warrants shall be authorized to issue for expenditures from this fund for payment of any monies except upon a verified itemized claim for same being submitted, reviewed and approved by the Board of Commissioners and without the Commissioners’ ordering the issuance of such a warrant. No expenditures from this fund shall be made except in accord with this section. To the extent required by law, the Sheriff should utilize requests for appropriation from the County Council for all expenditures from this fund before bringing such requests to the Board of Commissioners for approval.
(Ord. 7-1993, passed 11-3-1993)