(A)   Every recital in the ordinance codified herein is adopted into this section.
   (B)   There is hereby established the Clark County Indiana Landfill Insurance Fund.
   (C)   Said fund shall be non-reverting in nature and shall be funded by that component of the Clark-Floyd Landfill tonnage fee, as adjusted from time to time, reserved for insurance and/or risk management at, or in relation to, the Clark-Floyd Landfill, including all real estate and structures comprising same. All expenditures therefrom shall be exclusively made and controlled by the Board of Commissioners after consultation with, and upon agreement with, the Board of Commissioners of Floyd County, Indiana.
   (D)   Expenditures from said fund may be made for the following purposes:
      (1)   For expenses of quality insurance, to the extent not provided by the operator of the operation at the Clark-Floyd Landfill, which does not contain an unreasonable number of exclusions from coverage so as to render such proposed coverage inadequate;
      (2)   For other expenses that provide for better risk management, safety and protection of persons at the Clark-Floyd Landfill site;
      (3)   For other expenses in the nature of planning for risk management or safety measures, or for implementing same, at the Clark-Floyd Landfill site; and
      (4)   For such other expenses as are mutually agreed upon by the respective Boards of Commissioners of Clark and Floyd Counties, Indiana, respectively, by a simple majority vote of each said Board.
   (E)   The Auditor of the county is hereby directed to maintain and manage accurate accounting information concerning the receipts, expenditures and balances of this fund, to list it under the designation of Landfill Funds, along with already existing county funds not funded by direct property tax revenues on all financial reports and computer printouts made and generated for, and in the name of, the Board of Commissioners.
   (F)   No county warrants shall be authorized to issue for expenditures from this fund for payment of any monies, except upon a verified itemized claim for same being submitted, reviewed and approved by the Board of Commissioners and without the Commissioners’ ordering the issuance of such a warrant. No expenditures from this fund shall be made except in accord with this section.
(Ord. 12-1993, passed 11-3-1993)