Any person, firm, or corporation violating the following described offenses shall be fined according to the following table.
Certain offenses may be settled and compromised by the offender if paid within ten (10) days of being issued the ticket.
Column A lists the fine for each offense and column B is the settlement amount if paid within ten (10) days of being issued.
Certain offenses may not be settled prior to court and the offender must appear in court. Those are noted in column B.
Column A
Column B
Column A
Column B
Chapter 2: Alcoholic Liquor
Alcohol; Peddling
must appear
Alcohol; Premises Compliance
must appear
Alcohol; Minimum Age Of Bartenders/Servers
must appear
Alcohol; Minimum Age To Sell Packaged Retail
must appear
Alcohol; Closing Hours
must appear
Alcohol; Use Of Premises After Closing Hours
must appear
Alcohol; View From Street
must appear
Alcohol; Purchase/Acceptance/Possession Under 21
must appear
Alcohol; Consumption Under 21
must appear
Alcohol; Sale/Delivery To Minors
must appear
Alcohol; Misrepresenting Age By Person Under 21
must appear
Alcohol; Parental Responsibility For Violations
must appear
Chapter 3: Adult Business and Uses
Public Nudity
Chapter 5: Coin Operated Devices
Gambling Devices Prohibited
Electronic Sweepstakes Machines or Devices Prohibited
General Fine for Violating Title 4, Chapter 5
Chapter 10: Pawnbrokers, Secondhand Dealers and Junk/Scrap Collection Vehicles
Junk/Scrap Collection of Vehicles
Chapter 13: Solicitors
Solicitation without permit
General Fine for Violating Title 4, Chapter 13
Chapter 1: Garbage and Refuse
Refuse Containers
Disposal of refuse
Refuse collection, frequency
Storage of garbage containers
Accumulation of garbage
Chapter 3: Food and Food Handlers
Inspections, Samples Required
Unwholesome Food
Sanitation on Premises
Flies and Vermin
Cleanliness, Health of Employees
General Fine for Violating Title 5, Chapter 3
Chapter 4: Milk and Milk Products
Milk Standards
General Fine for Violating Title 5, Chapter 4
Chapter 5: Food Deliveries
Sanitation Requirements
General Fine for Violating Title 5, Chapter 5
Chapter 6: Restaurants
Permit Required
Disease Control
Construction, Reconstruction, Alteration
General Fine for Violating Title 5, Chapter 6
Chapter 7: Nuisances
Posting signs, ROW
Loudspeakers, Amplifiers for Advertising
Moving Signs
General Fine for Violating Title 5, Chapter 7
Chapter 9: Handbills
Throwing in Public Places
Placing in Vehicles
Prohibited Distribution
Name, Address of Printer, Distributor Required
Chapter 11: Ice Cream Trucks
License Required
General Fine for Violating Title 5, Chapter 11
Chapter 3: Police Alarm Systems
Police/Fire Alarms
Wireless Alarm Network
Fire Alarm Systems
Renewal of Monitoring
Network Equipment
Automatic Dialer Alarms
Audible Security Alarms
False Alarms
General Fine for Violating Title 6, Chapter 3
Chapter 4: Animal Control
Dog License And Registration By County Required
Owner Duties For Care; Failure To Provide Sufficient Food/Water
Owner Duties For Care; Failure To Provide Adequate Shelter/Protection
Owner Duties For Care; Failure To Provide Proper Veterinary Care
Owner Duties For Care; Failure To Provide Humane Care/Treatment
Vaccination Required
Cruel Treatment; Abuse
Cruel Treatment; Abandonment
Keeping Of Animals Other Than Domestic Animals
Keeping Of Farm Animals Within City Limits
Keeping Of Exotic Animals Within City Limits
Running At Large; Domestic Animal
Running At Large; Restraint, Owner Permission Required
Running At Large; Nuisance
Nuisance Animals; Barking Dogs
Nuisance Animals; Entry On The Private Property Of Another
Nuisance Animals; Damage To Property
Nuisance Animals; Accumulation Of Feces
Nuisance Animals; Removal Of Feces
Nuisance Animals; Females In Heat
Animal Bite; Notification Required
Animal Bite; Disposal Prior To Release By Health Department
Animal Bite; Failure To Comply With Health Department
Animal Bite; Expenses Borne By Owner
Limitations On The Number Of Dogs
General Fine for Violating Title 6, Chapter 4
Chapter 5: Offenses
Article A: Generally
Compounding A Crime
Accountability For The Conduct Of Another
Nuisance Businesses
Disorderly Conduct; Breach Of The Peace
must appear
Disorderly Conduct; False Report Of A Fire
must appear
Disorderly Conduct; False Report Of A Bomb
must appear
Disorderly Conduct; False Report Of A Crime
must appear
Disorderly Conduct; Enters Private Property For A Lewd Purpose
must appear
Disorderly Conduct; Violent Act, Puts Another In Danger
must appear
Disorderly Conduct; Violent Act, Puts Property In Danger
must appear
Disorderly Conduct; Provokes Or Engages In A Fight
must appear
Disorderly Conduct; Interferes With Anothers Occupation
must appear
Disorderly Conduct; Obstructs Vehicle/Pedestrian Traffic
must appear
Disorderly Conduct; Incites A Disturbance Or Riot
must appear
Disorderly Conduct; Abusive Threats Or Language
must appear
Disorderly Conduct; Loud/Unreasonable Noise
must appear
Disorderly Conduct; Failure To Obey An Order To Disburse
must appear
Disorderly Conduct; Abusive/Obscene Language In Public
must appear
Disorderly Conduct; Assembles 3 Or More For Violence
must appear
Disorderly Conduct; Assembles 3 Or More To Violate City Code
must appear
Disorderly Conduct; Under Influence On Private Street/Road
must appear
Disorderly Conduct; Permits 2 Or More To Commit D.C.
must appear
Disorderly Conduct; Interrupts Or Disturbs Lawful Assembly
must appear
Disorderly Conduct; Mob Action
must appear
Disorderly Conduct; Disturbs The Peace Of Others
must appear
Disorderly Conduct; Loitering Without Lawful Business/Lewd Conduct
must appear
Disturbing Religious Worship
Noise; Nuisance Noise
Noise; Horns, Signaling Devices, Etc.
Noise; Radios, Boom Boxes, Personal Music Devices, Etc.
Noise; Loudspeakers, Amplifiers For Advertising
Noise; Exhausts
Noise; Defect In Vehicle Or Load
Noise; Construction Outside Of Allowable Hours
Noise; Adjacent To Schools, Courts, Churches, Hospitals
Noise; Drums
Noise; Pile Drivers, Hammers, Etc.
Noise; Blowers
Noise; Internal Combustion Engines
Noise; Machinery
Construction Hours
Vagrancy; No Lawful Means Of Support
Vagrancy; Unlawful Occupancy
Vagrancy; Begging
Vagrancy; Fraudulent Schemes
Vagrancy; Common Law Vagrants
Loitering Prohibited
must appear
must appear
Reckless Conduct
must appear
Resisting A Peace Officer
must appear
Refusing To Aid An Officer
must appear
Employee and Subcontractor Work Crews of Public Utility Franchise
Criminal Trespass To Vehicles
Criminal Trespass To Land
Taking Materials From Public Property
Abandoned Refrigerator, Air Tight Container
Obstructing Passageways
Retail Theft
Deceptive Practices
Theft; By Exerting Unauthorized Control
Theft; By Deception
Theft; By Obtaining Control Using Threats
Theft; Obtaining Property Stolen By Another
Unlawful Restraint
Gambling; Engaging In Gambling
must appear
Gambling; Possession Of Gambling Materials
must appear
Graffiti; Graffiti And Damage To Property Prohibited
must appear
Graffiti; Owner Responsible For Removal
Theft, Defacement, Destruction, Removal Of Governmental Signs
Street Gang Activity; Colors, Emblems Or Insignia
must appear
Street Gang Activity; Act, Utterance, Gesture Or Display
must appear
Alcohol; Consumption/Possession On Public Property
Alcohol; Consumption/Possession In Business Without A License
Tobacco; Sale/Delivery Without A License
must appear
Tobacco; Purchase Of Products Under 21
Tobacco; Possession Of Products Under 18
Tobacco; Sale Of Accessories To Minors
must appear
Tobacco; Sale Of Bidi Cigarettes
must appear
Tobacco; Use Of False I.D. To Obtain Products
must appear
Tobacco; Business Required To Post Warning To Minors
must appear
Tobacco; Availability
must appear
Article B: Immorality
Public Indecency; Sexual Conduct Or Sexual Penetration
must appear
Public Indecency; Exposure Of The Body With Intent For Arousal
must appear
Obscene Literature, Pictures, Performances
must appear
Article C: Weapons
Concealing Or Displaying Weapons
must appear
Discharge Of Firearms
must appear
Display/Sale Weapons; Permits, Licenses Required
must appear
Display/Sale Weapons; Customers Permitted To Examine
must appear
Display/Sale Weapons; Employee Present
must appear
Display/Sale Weapons; Weapons Incapable Of Firing
must appear
Display/Sale Weapons; Storage During Non-Business Hours
must appear
Display/Sale Weapons; Allowance Of City Inspection
must appear
Article D: Drug Paraphernalia; Possession Of Cannabis
Possession Of Paraphernalia
Possession/Consumption Under 21
must appear
Parent/Guardian Responsibilities
must appear
Consumption In Or About A Public Place
Persons Responsible For Unlawful Activities
must appear
Article E: Minors
Parental Responsibility; Permitting A Minor To Violate Code/Statute
must appear
Parental Responsibility; Parent/Guardian Responsible For Restitution
must appear
Truancy; Parental Responsibility
Truancy; Contributing To The Delinquency Of A Truant
Chapter 6: Fireworks And Explosives
License Required For Discharge
must appear
Public Displays Without Permit
must appear
Sale, Storage And Possession Prohibited
Chapter 7: Open Fires
Scope; Applicability
Proximity To Structures, Flammables
Prohibited Burning
Outdoor Cooking
Recreational Burning; Private Property
Recreational Burning; Permanent Outdoor Fire Pit
Recreational Burning; Portable Fireplaces
Recreational Burning; Attendance
Recreational Burning; Extinguishing Equipment
Recreational Burning; Seasoned Dry Firewood
Recreational Burning; Extinguish When Unattended
Recreational Burning; Control Of Smoke
Recreational Burning; Nuisances
Chapter 8: Parades, Processions, Public Gatherings
Interference With Parade Or Parade Assembly
Driving Through Parades
Parking On A Parade Route
Chapter 2: General Regulations
Skateboarding Within Commercial Zoning District
Skateboarding Within A City Park/Bike Path
Snowmobiles Prohibited Within City Property
Unauthorized Use Of Motorized Recreational Device
Compression/Release Engine Brake Use
Operation Of Non-Highway Vehicles; Operation
Operation Of Non-Highway Vehicles; Registration
Operation Of Non-Highway Vehicles; Location
Operation Of Non-Highway Vehicles; Time
Chapter 8: Restricted Road Traffic
Vehicle Traffic Restricted
General Fine for Violating Title 7, Chapter 8
Chapter 1: Streets, Sidewalks and Public Ways
Obstruction of street
Street repair barricades
Public land use
Obstruct open ditches, drains
Deposits on street
8-1-14B1-B 2
Deposits on sidewalks
Removal of sidewalk deposits
Burning on public streets
Unlawful curb cut
Snow and Ice Deposits Restricted
Chapter 2: Parks and Recreation
Damaging Property
Maintenance, Use of Restrooms, Washrooms
Removal of Natural Resources
Permit Required for Structures, Utilities
Damaging Plants
Climbing, Sitting on Trees, Fixtures
Molesting Animals, Birds
Feeding Noxious Substances to Animals, Birds
Pollution of Waters
Refuse and Trash Disposal
Structures on Beaches
Place for Dressing, Undressing
Boating and Docking
Firearms and Weapons
Games, Recreational Activities Limited
Horseback Riding
Intoxicating Beverages
Fireworks and Explosives
Pets and Domestic Animals
No Smoking in any Enclosed Park Facility Building
Soliciting Alms, Contributions
Closed Areas
Going Onto Ice
Loitering and Boisterousness
Duty to Exhibit Permit
Interference with Permittees
Vending and Peddling
Advertising and Signs
Permits for Group Activities
Airplanes Prohibited
Vehicles and Certain Watercraft and Motors Prohibited on McCullom Lake
Charges for Park and Recreational Facilities
Chapter 3: Trees, Shrubs and Noxious Growth
Permits required
Permitted Street Tree Species
Improvements Prohibited in Public Rights-of-Way
Street Tree Spacing
Planting Distance from Curbs and Sidewalk
Distance from Street Corners and Fire Hydrants
Distance from Utilities
Removal of Public Trees, Shrubs
Injuring Unlawful
Attaching Advertisements, Notices
Removal of Vegetation Likely to Fall on Public Ways
Wires, Rope and Poles
Gas Leaks Causing Injury
Precautions During Excavations
Tree Topping
Pruning and Corner Clearance on Private Property
Private Property Tree Care and Removal
Stump Removal
General Fine for Violating Title 8, Chapter 3, Article A
Weeds, nuisance
Parkway maintenance
Permit Required
Tree Removal Conditions
General Fine for Violating Title 8, Chapter 3, Article C
Chapter 4: McHenry Riverwalk
Skateboard, Roller Blades, In-line Skates, Bicycles Prohibited
Chapter 5: Excavating and Tunneling
Permit, street excavation
Restore street surface
Chapter 6: Encroachments
Encroachment Prohibited
General Fine for Violating Title 8, Chapter 6
Chapter 2: Water Use and Service Regulations
Permits, Regulations
Fire Sprinkler Systems
Who May Turn on Service
Resale Prohibited
Outdoor Limitation on Use of Water
Water meter required
Reading Meters
Private water wells prohibited
Water connection required
Chapter 4: Sewer Regulations
Sewer connection required
Discharging to Storm Sewer
Septic system approval
Chapter 1: Administration, Permits; Certificates; Fees, Penalty
No building permit
Duration of permit
Occupancy certificate required
Compliance with regulations
Street use restricted
Burning construction waste
Waste material storage
Construction safeguards
Garage required
Residential rental registration
General Fine for Violating Title 10, Chapter 1
Chapter 2: Building Code
Compliance with International Building Code
Chapter 6: Fuel Gas Code
Compliance with Fuel Gas Code
Chapter 7: Mechanical Code
Compliance with Mechanical Code
Chapter 8: Property Maintenance Code
International Property Maintenance Code
Chapter 10: Housing and Maintenance and Occupancy Code
Storage/disposal of rubbish
Refuse Containers Capacity
Landlord provide refuse container
Extermination required
Accumulation of rubbish, etc.
Rodent harborage
Minimum heat requirements
Kitchen required
Water closet required
Lavatory sink required
Bathtub required
Dwelling unit, keep/good repair
Gutters, good condition
Units, premises rodent free
Accessory structure, good repair
Plumbing pipes/fixtures, good repair
Bathroom floors impervious/water
Utility services maintained
Negligent housing management
General Fine for Violating Title 10, Chapter 10
Chapter 11: Electrical Code
Rough-in inspection
Chapter 13: Fences
Fence permit required
Fence standards
Residential fences
Nonresidential fences
Dangerous, encroaching fences
Chapter 15: Parabolic Dish Type Antennas
Parabolic dish - residential
Parabolic dish - nonresidential
Chapter 16: Residential Teardown Sites and Infill Properties
Violation of Residential Teardown Guidelines
Chapter 20: Signs
Prohibited Signs
Nonconforming Signs
Maintenance and Repair Required
Sign Standards
Chapter 21: Soil Erosion and Sedimentation Control
Site Development Permit Required
General Fine for Violating Title 10, Chapter 21
Chapter 22: Historic Preservation
Alteration, Construction, Demolition, and Maintenance
General Fine for Violating Title 10, Chapter 22
Chapter 8A - Residential Districts Regulations
Temporary refuse containers and storage units
Chapter 9 - Commercial Districts
General fine for violating Title 11, Chapter 9
Chapter 12 - Off Street Parking and Loading
Motor vehicle storage/repair
Parking area maintenance
Parking area surfacing
Parking, RV
Parking, commercial vehicle
Chapter 14: Accessory Uses, Yards and Fences
11-14-4, Table 1
Yard obstructions
11-14-4, Table 2
Accessory structures
Chapter 1: General Provisions
Compliance with Technical Specifications Manual
General Fine for Violating Title 12, Chapter 1
(Ord. 22-40, 6-20-2022; amd. Ord. 23-24, 5-1-2023; Ord. 23-26, 5-15-2023; Ord. 23-37, 7-17-2023; Ord. 23-42, 8-21-2023)