A.   Duty Of Finance Director: The Finance Director shall cause every water meter used in the City to be read at such time or times as are necessary so that water bills may be sent out at the proper time.
   B.   Right Of Access To Premises: The City, its servants, agents and employees shall have a continuing right of access to premises which are served with Municipal water for the purpose of reading water meters and also for the purpose of inspecting, repairing, installing, modifying and replacing water meters. The water supply to any premises may be shut off whenever access has been hindered or denied by the user and/or owner. In addition to such water shutoff, any person, firm or corporation violating this subsection shall be fined according to the Fines and Penalties found in Title 15, Chapter 1: Fines and Penalties, for each day during, or on which such access to the premises has been prevented.
(1987 Code § 26-23) (amd. Ord. 22-40, 6-20-2022)