No person in the City shall have the status or condition of a “vagrant”. The following persons shall be deemed vagrants:
A. No Lawful Means Of Support: Any person having no lawful means of employment and having no lawful means of support realized solely from lawful occupations or sources; or any person who lives idly and without visible means of support.
(1987 Code § 14-9)
B. Unlawful Occupancy: Any person wandering abroad and occupying, lodging or sleeping in any vacant or unoccupied barn, garage, shed, shop, or other building or structure, or in any automobile, truck, railroad car or other vehicle, without owning the same or without permission of the owner or person entitled to the possession of the same, or sleeping in any vacant lot during the hours of darkness and not giving a satisfactory account of themselves.
C. Begging: Any person wandering abroad and begging; or any person who goes about from door to door of private homes or commercial and business establishments, or places themselves in or upon any public way or public place to beg or receive alms for themselves.
(Ord. 19-1186, 2-18-2019)
D. Fraudulent Schemes: Any person who shall engage in any fraudulent scheme, device or trick to obtain money or other valuable thing from others; or any person who aids or assists such trick, device or scheme.
E. Common Law Vagrants: All persons who by the common law are vagrants, whether embraced in any of the foregoing classifications or not.
(1987 Code § 14-9)