A.   Purpose: The purpose of the requirements in this chapter is to further the appropriate provision and design of off street parking and loading areas that will:
      1.   Provide access to land uses generating large traffic volumes in a community dependent on automobile and truck transportation.
      2.   Foster safe and efficient circulation of vehicles and pedestrians both on private property and on adjacent public streets.
      3.   Minimize nuisance in residential areas from on street parking of large numbers of vehicles.
   B.   Applicability: The requirements in this chapter apply to any provision, removal, enlargement or alteration of any off street parking or loading spaces or areas accessory to any building or structure existing as of the effective date of this title, or any new spaces or areas required to be provided under this title or voluntarily provided in excess of the requirements herein. These provisions shall likewise apply to parking that is the principal use of a parcel.
   C.   Number And Size Of Required Facilities:
      1.   Numbers and sizes of off street parking and loading spaces shall be provided for all new uses and existing uses that are enlarged, expanded or changed, in conformance with the standards of section 11-12-4, “Tables”, of this chapter.
      2.   No additional spaces shall be required for expansion or change of an existing use if the standards herein would require an increase over the spaces already provided on the site of less than fifteen percent (15%).
   D.   Exception For C-4 Downtown Commercial District: In recognition of the existing character and pedestrian orientation of the City’s older downtown business areas, no off street parking or loading shall be required for individual uses located entirely within the C-4 Downtown Commercial District. This exception is made to minimize curb cuts disruptive to safe and efficient pedestrian circulation and to encourage provision of off street parking in centralized locations that serve multiple uses.
   E.   Preservation And Replacement Of Existing Spaces: No off street parking or loading spaces either provided in conformity with the provisions of this chapter or a previous ordinance or voluntarily provided in excess of what such provisions require, shall be reduced in size or number below the requirements herein, or further below such requirements, so long as the use they serve continues in operation.
   F.   Submission Of Site Plan: A site plan showing off street parking and loading facilities shall accompany an application for any of the following for any use required to provide over four (4) off street parking spaces or one or more off street loading spaces:
      1.   Building permit or Certificate of Occupancy.
      2.   Conditional use permit.
      3.   Rezoning.
      4.   Preliminary or final plat approval as provided in the Subdivision Control Ordinance.
      5.   Variance from off street parking or loading requirements.
      6.   Integrated Design District preliminary or final plan.
(Ord. 86-382, 12-22-1986)
      7.   Use variance.
(Ord. 94-614)
The City Council may waive or defer this requirement in any instance in which the specific use of the premises, and therefor the specific parking and loading requirements applicable, are not yet determined, such as in the case of a rezoning for an industrial subdivision. The site plan shall meet the requirements of section 11-4-7, table 2 of this title, in the filing procedures section herein.
   G.   Storage And Repair: No storage of any kind, nor motor vehicle repair work, except for emergency services, is permitted in any open off street parking or loading area, except those provided for single-family detached or attached dwellings.
   H.   Access: Each required off street parking space and loading space shall open directly upon an aisle or driveway of such width and design as to provide a safe and efficient means of vehicular access, and shall have vehicular access to a public thoroughfare in a manner that will least interfere with traffic movement thereupon. Dimensions of aisles and driveways shall be as provided in section 11-12-4, table 1 of this chapter.
   I.   Grading: All parking and loading areas shall be graded for proper drainage, and the volume of stormwater runoff that exceeds that existing prior to the installation of such areas shall discharge into an approved drainage system.
   J.   Maintenance: All parking and loading areas shall be maintained free of dust, trash and debris. The surfacing, curbing, lighting fixtures, signage and related appurtenances shall be maintained in good condition so long as such areas are used for parking or loading purposes.
   K.   Landscaping And Screening: All parking and loading areas shall be landscaped and screened as provided in chapter 13, “Landscaping And Screening”, of this chapter.
   L.   Parking Reductions: The Zoning Administrator is authorized to approve up to a ten percent (10%) reduction in the required number of off-street parking spaces.
   M.   Rounding of Integers: Fractional spaces shall be rounded to the nearest integer.
(Ord. 86-382, 12-22-1986; amd. Ord. 22-47, 8-15-2022)