When a person desires to remove a tree on a parcel of land covered under section 8-3C-2, “General Scope And Applicability”, of this article, whether it is part of a site development or not, such removal shall be deemed justified where one or more of the following conditions are clearly demonstrated by the person seeking a tree removal or site development permit:
A. Safety Hazard: A tree creates a safety hazard to pedestrians, vehicle traffic, structures or utilities, or a threat to public safety.
B. Diseased, Weak: The tree is incurably diseased or has been severely weakened by age, storm, fire or other natural disaster.
C. Good Forestry Practice: Good forestry practice requires removal. Said forestry practice includes such considerations as to the number of healthy trees a given parcel of land will support.
D. Replacement Schedule: These trees are subject to the following tree replace schedule: five percent (5%) of the total diameter at breast height (dbh) will be required as compensation for removal (e.g., the total dbh of the trees listed below is 2,400 inches x 0.05 (5 percent) = 120 inches of replaceable diameter. 120 inches of diameter divided by the diameter of the replacement trees = the number of trees).
Common Name | Botanical Name |
Common Name | Botanical Name |
Black locust | Robinia psuedo-acacia |
Box elder | Acer negundo |
Catalpa | Caltalpa speciosa |
Chinese elm | Ulmus parvifolia |
Choke cherry | Prunus virginiana |
Cottonwood | Populus deltoides |
Lombardy poplar | Populus nigra |
Mulberry | Morus rubra |
Poplar | Populus (species) |
Siberian elm | Ulmus pumila |
Silver maple | Acer saccharinum |
Tree-of-heaven | Ailanthus altissima |
Willow | Salix (species) |
(1987 Code § 24-45)